Rachel Corrie Speech, Before she was Murdered

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by zanger, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. zanger

    zanger member

    That is obvious. Below are pictures of Israeli soldiers pointing guns at children and Israelis kicking an Arab woman. Does the soldier really have to point a gun at a hysterical child? Is there any wonder the Palestinians are fed up with the nonsense?

  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    You are clearly not an American, are you? btw...Those are bad angles on those pics.
  3. simon

    simon New Member

  4. simon

    simon New Member

  5. simon

    simon New Member

    Of course you were "talking" about Anne Frank "herself" and that is the reason you made the comparison with Rachel Corrie in spite of your denial in retrospect. In fact mentioning the horrific plight of Anne Frank with that of a person like Ronnie Corrie actually reveals how little regard and empathy you have towards persons such as Ms. Frank other than those who YOU believe are fighting for your cause. I can just imagine how you truly feel about Americans and the attack on the World trade Center. Your sentiments are quite evident.
  6. cjzande

    cjzande New Member

    "Texas was NOT an independent country as you state above but a part of Mexico!"

    Not sure where you got that notion, but yes, Texas was independent for several years and was even recognized by the U.S. as such.

    The question is wording: Some people insist on calling it an "independent state," while others say "country" or "nation." However you frame it, for 9 years, Texas was under self-rule, which is likely the point being made here. It did not go *directly* from Mexico to the U.S. Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836, but did not become a U.S. state until 1845.

    Not really sure its germane to this conversation, in any case. But still, as a former Texan, I couldn't let that stand as stated. You make it sound too much like Texas went immediately from being under Mexican control to being a U.S. state, and that's simply not true.
  7. zanger

    zanger member

    This is an old map of the independent Republic of Texas. An independent country.

  8. simon

    simon New Member

    I appreciate the clarification and if you wish we can continue this discussion on another thread. HOWEVER, I don't wish to derail this topic because the critical issue here is not Texas or any other state but an attempt by one poster to propagandize and convince us that our enemy is Israel when we clearly know who are enemy is.
  9. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    These continuing semi-snarky arguments make me wonder why we even bother with an off-topics forum. It clearly creates more heat than light.
  10. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    I just thought I'd throw in there that Texas was actually part of the CSA during the American Civil War and fought to not be "American" but was defeated and thus remains part of the United States. So though I'm sure most Texas love the idea of being American, that was not always the case.

    ...now back to lurking...
  11. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    You haven't done much training with firearms I assume. Those soldiers are holding their rifles at "high ready" which is a non firing position generally used for observation in a hostile area. Generally you don't fire from this position and it is not an aggressive stance, plus the angle of the pics causes the illusion the gun muzzle (that's the business end) is pointed at the kids where it clearly is not.

    As for the Jewish kid kicking the woman...what can I say, having rockets fired at a day care causes one to act irrationally.

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