RA vs. NA, perspective from a student/hiring professional

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by friendorfoe, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Congrats! That's great! I just started my first semester at Penn Foster as well.
  2. bill947

    bill947 New Member

    As I posted before:
    "The line has been cast, the bait has been eaten, the fish is on the line and the troll clammers in delight awaitiing the next tug on the line."

    Watch out for the Troll

    Don' bait him that's what he wants. Ignore him.
  3. Kalos

    Kalos member

    I'll certainly believe that.
  4. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    I believe that. I said in another post that in my firm we look first for experience, then at education.
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    What you, Little Fauss and Tcord said! It's funny how trolls are like annoying little gnats, once you swat them, they mean nothing!

    Abner :)
  6. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    I like you, Abner. Even though we used to fight on occasion, you never hit below the belt. (Even though, given your martial arts expertise, you probably could've figured out 10 different ways to do it).
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    The feeling is mutual brother.

    take care,

  8. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member


    Since you are so clearly anti-NA, I'm curious as to where you stand on ACE evaluated NA courses.

  9. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    Personally, I couldn't care less what he/she thinks about anything. No matter your stance on NA degrees, they are legitimate, recognized credentials...although your mileage may vary. Period.

    Now...can we move on?
  10. Kalos

    Kalos member

    The Embarrassment of a DETC Degree


    I'm not totally anti-NA. Some NA (DETC) niche programs could be respectable - eg Grantham's BSET in Electronics Technology. But in general, I'm saying students will be making a serious mistake if they take advice from people on this forum who don't know better who claim that an NA/DETC Bachelor's or Master's degree is equivalent to an RA degree. In the real world, this just isn't so. In a competitive job hunt, a DETC Master's won't get your foot in the door. More likely, even the security guard will laugh in your face.

    I've seen ACE resume evaluations used for USA Work Permit purposes. They're very careful about what they say on paper concerning equivalences. I haven't seen a ACE evaluation of a domestic NA program, but I'd consider it irrelevant.

    I treat this whole business about NA (DETC) bachelor's, Master's, and soon PhD degrees, as an evasion of real education. If people need DL, they can get it through an RA school.
  11. tscalzitti

    tscalzitti New Member

    Yes I remember while I was at Microsoft Bill was so worried no one would listen to him, being a drop out and all.

    It appears that Kalos has a dislike for all distance learning and a true distain for NA. I am not sure why he reads this board at all.

    School can provide you with the tools, but its your work that gets you ahead. This can happen with or without a degree. Go to school to learn something you don't know and will help you do your job better. That is much more important.
  12. simon

    simon New Member

    Re: The Embarrassment of a DETC Degree

    This is not rocket science. What is required is that one examine their career/academic objectives and discern whether a NA or RA degree will best meet their needs. So if one is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that an NA degree will result in that job promotion they are seeking or provide an edge in competition for a job or will DEFINITELY enable one to be admitted into a RA graduate degree program of their choice, then go for the NA degree! Perhaps one just wishes to gain a BA or masters degree for their own personal growth, that too is a legitimate reason to obtain an NA degree.

    However, if one wishes to obtain a degree that will not require defending its recognition status and level of acceptability as well as its viability in the work and academic world than a RA credential is the one that needs to be obtained.
  13. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Don't feed the troll.
  14. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Have you ever noticed that we can generally debate and take opposite sides on an issue and even get very angry, but we will nonetheless manage to keep our debates above the name-calling, bridge-burning, infantile level? Why? Not because we are inherently so wonderful, but because we have some commitment to this board, we are at least making an attempt--imperfect though it may be--to create a community that can serve people. We generally have some time into this, so we care a little.

    However, trolls do not, they are late-comers and burn out early (our latest trollish incarnation has all of one month under its belt). They do not care about lifting the discourse, they do not care about making a rational, logical argument. They only care about flaming and disrupting.

    Let it go elsewhere to some other forum and pick a controversial point-of-view (that it may or may not even care about) carefully calculated to ensure chaos. Let it meet its complex psychological needs elsewhere; let it make up for inferiorities and emotional/mental shortcomings--but not at the expense of a perfectly decent DL forum!

    But don't feed the troll!
  15. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Re: The Embarrassment of a DETC Degree

    You DO realize the earth isn't flat, right? You are aware that most people KNEW it was at one point in time? Evolve, Kalos....evolve. Open your mind, just a little, and examine the factual evidence, not opinion...evidence. No one, at least no one I've seen on this board, says NA degrees, as a whole, are equal to RA degrees, as a whole, with regard to their acceptance.

    To the rest of the board - that was my last morsel for the troll.

  16. Kalos

    Kalos member

    Re: Re: The Embarrassment of a DETC Degree

    Perhaps your mind is so "open", your brains fell out...

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