Possible Pregnancy?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Men are forced to give up DNA samples all the time in paternity cases. Why should the woman have any right to refuse DNA samples in paternity fraud cases?
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Of course, the other option would be to air this whole thing on Maury Povitch or Jerry Springer.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I agree with the others – this is concerning that she would “test” you. I, however, would not be so quick to end the relationship. People are people and make stupid decisions when they are scared and vulnerable. I would have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Explain how this made you feel (do not judge her actions but focus on your feelings). Do not say, “you did ….”. Focus on your feelings. Do not ask her why – questions and conflict never play well together.

    Explain that this is not high school and in the future you plan to have an adult relationship and if she is not ready for that, well, that is where the conversation can go ugly. Let her know that her brother is not in the relationship and his advice, while it might have been well intended, really sucked.

    Move forward with a clean and honest slate without doubt and hard feelings.
  4. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    So Tekman your willing to start out a married life with a woman who has already proven she will 1. lie to you and 2. cheat on you and 3. take advice from her family who clearly has no clue about a relationship????? Personally I think your setting yourself up for later heartbreak and trouble. Clearly your relationship is not in the right place otherwise she wouldn't feel the need to lie to you to begin with or cheat on you. I say take a break from the relationship to figure out why your willing to be with a woman who possess these traits....

    oh and I am a woman and I am telling you to jump ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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