
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by plcscott, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I don't point out the mistakes in and of themselves. Rather, I equate it to someone who takes a spray paint can to vandalize something, and then can't spell the graffiti. It adds to the stupidity of the act.

    We're not talking typos here. Rather, an inability to articulate the language while putting down other people. (And while defending fake schools.) That's all.
  2. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    What is your problem man? It was light hearted humor. Are you that PC? It was a joke! Just quick typing jabbing back and forth with Dennis. When he makes mistakes or says things that offend where are you? Think what you want.
  3. kf5k

    kf5k member

    I thought you didn't say K-W was a degree mill? Didn't you just use a very negative way to say the same thing. You just did a personal attack on Plcscott. You didn't attack his views, you attacked him. I supose this is the type of effort you deny as being used all the time. No one is stopped from using approved schools, no, but you and others do your best to belittle the person, and their views. Does the above statement fit in with your view of civil debate, it doesn't fit mine. Do the comments you just made make you feel better about yourself or your opinions? Do you feel that what you just said added anything, in any useful way to this discussion? I suppose better spelling and grammar is good, as are improved manners, civility and some level of respect for others.
  4. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Uh oh..

    kf, You just took some heat off of me. :D Now your mistakes will be attacked. Thanks! :D

    PS. I agree!
  5. kf5k

    kf5k member

    I see a level of distaste and dislike in your comments. You don't call K-W a degree mill,( a fake school), sounds like calling a school a mill to me. The problem with not saying what you mean is when someone like me reminds you of your previous comments. Stupidity- very much sounds like a personal attack to me. Your comments, along with those of other regulars, are of the type I describe as using group attack to limit debate and choices, Many would refrain from being under this level of abuse, I fortunately have no such problem. Your views, not you, are an anthema to me, and yes, you use personal attack to enhance your own views, as is seen by your above comments. Your statements were intended to be hurtful and belittling, congratulations, well done.
  6. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Where have I defended a fake school? As pointed out by others you say one thing, and then another. KW is now fake and produces illiterate people, but you never said it was a mill. Wow!

    I have never gone after you, or Janko. Dennis has come after me every chance he gets, so I give it back to him. Maybe you all stick together. If you come here, and do not fall completely in line you get tarred, and feathered. Wherever they teach this let me know, so I will be sure not to attend! If everyone whom you disagree with leaves then you what would you do?
  7. kf5k

    kf5k member

    We uns like dat heat it sho warm them ole bones pluss lets dem ole boys get theys jollies ofen. Let me sees now whee did i puts my shoees guess i just hafta go barrefoots today. ain't found dem tings in days now. If mistakes were 10 bucks a dozen, I'd get my share of the money. Don'ts pays to git dem RA boys done flusterd dey git show vicious dont they, dey gone lost dat big civil speechifying way, sho do look down on us po folkes. gues we best git on down to da welfare office and git dem stamps and and peanut btter, Plscott, hear dey may run out, best us hurry, how much you git dis month. Hope K-W gits me my new phd thang hear, you done been sent yourn, fear mine be late. got torun now stamp office mayhaps close early. you has yo self a finne day dere plcscott we be seein yo self soone... :)

    If mistakes were 10 bucks each-- I could BUY and sell Bill Gates!!!
    Here it is Rich edit me.
  8. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    We are an egregarious bunch aren't we. :D
  9. kf5k

    kf5k member

    In this conversation being lost is a good thing, very good. :)
    And you women say we men act like children- ha-ha-ha-ha.
    What were we talking about, I forget now, oh well, enjoy the childrens hour, Kirstie. :)
  10. kf5k

    kf5k member

    What dat egregarious mean, betternot mean wat i tink it mean or i gonna put a whup as- on yo head boy.. yo gonna be tinnking racoon when igits on yo head, i ain't nevr caught no egregarius from no woman ain't sho got it from no bunches a mens, and better you not be sayin i did. you done gone a got yoself one a dem big alka-seltzer deplomas ain't you boy- done left usins behind , u done tink you a big shott dont u. u better not be sayin i got dat egergarious no more , i'uns dont go thar way, we'uns be hetro sexually orientateed.
  11. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    But I get such a good reaction. I can't help myself. It's really not personal.
  12. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Same here!
  13. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    What is that prejudice?
  14. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Degree prejudice. Anytime anybody attends, or has listed an unaccredited degree on this forum they are tarred and feathered.
  15. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    An earlier post seemed to equate correct spelling and grammar with the social graces. No; they are products, one hopes, of education. A person incapable of them is, to that extent, not well educated. I am a virtual mathematical illiterate. That shows a flaw in my educational background. Were I to pass it off as a social gaffe, while defending the mathematical or even general quality of my education, I would be not only an exceptionally poor advertisement for that quality, but an outright mountebank as well.
  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Wrong. You cannot demonstrate that from my posts unless you are incapable of understanding nuanced language, or simply do not care to understand.

    Degree prejudice, unless you care to define it further, is a decidedly opaque concept. What exactly do you mean by it?

    Lack of automatic acceptance of any degree whatever from any school whatever, disagreement with the validity and reputability of your educational choices, or dislike of mill-shilling do not flow from prejudice, but from careful investigation of many schools and a settled disapproval of mendacity.

    If you can't hold a minority opinion without calling other people's disagreement with you "prejudice", then you might wish to reconsider how well your education has invested you with a mature capacity for critical thinking and civil discourse. Then again, you might not. It's up to you, just as my--or anyone else's--response to your statements is a matter of choice--not prejudice--on the part of the responder.
  17. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    A couple weeks ago, I was among the last people to be admitted to California Coast University's DBA program.

    I considered it earlier but a chance at DETC accreditation clinched it. Do I now have to become an apologist?

    With luck the school is accredited before I complete in 3-4 years and, who knows, maybe doctoral programs will be accredited as per some speculation.

    For what it's worth, I still believe properly accredited schools are the way to go for most people. I am just old and don't know any better.
  18. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Well Janko, start correcting everyone then. You seem to pick and choose whom you want to correct. I think you do it for humiliation, and prejudice. You know that most everyone makes mistakes here.

    I do not consider myself a good writer, or typist, but if you want to discuss electron flow I am your man. You may choose to specialize in grammar, and vocabulary. I choose electricity and electronics, but do not look down on someone who cannot change a light switch. I am impressed by your vocabulary, and have even looked up a few words when reading your post. However, if I make a mistake, blunder, or "social gaffe" it will be reflective of my RA community college English courses.


  19. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Dennis: Congrats on your admission to the best of the non-specialized CA-approved schools, and best of luck in your program. The Carpathian Bigot.
  20. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Thanks Unk.

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