Pacific Western University

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Dr. Gina, Jul 4, 2003.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Nothing's changed at PWU. They were founded by a guy with no doctorate. (He claims one now--shocker.) They operated for years under the California Authorized category, until it was eliminated. They've moved most of their operation under their much more liberal Hawaiian license, but run everything from California. A few degrees are awarded under their California approval. Even a cursory examination of their website--especially after you've done some reading around here--will tell you a lot.
  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Right. Faced with a difficult degree-protocol problem, I looked at their website many moons ago. Had I not had the information gleaned from responsible posters here--including the ability to spot mill shills--I might well have fallen for what looked like an expeditious way to complete the work. The information I got here enabled me to sort out the interface (interheinie in this case?) between the CA part, the HI part, and the BS part.

    That's why self-protective shills tick me off: their disinformation is liable to mislead the innocent, aid the miscreant, and, in the case of the Liberian debacle, add to the bank accounts of men of blood.
  3. cehi

    cehi New Member

    Uncle Janko: "Right. Faced with a difficult degree-protocol problem, I looked at their website many moons ago. Had I not had the information gleaned from responsible posters here--including the ability to spot mill shills--I might well have fallen for what looked like an expeditious way to complete the work. The information I got here enabled me to sort out the interface (interheinie in this case?) between the CA part, the HI part, and the BS part.

    That's why self-protective shills tick me off: their disinformation is liable to mislead the innocent, aid the miscreant, and, in the case of the Liberian debacle, add to the bank accounts of men of blood."

    Cehi: I continue to be amused by your affinity for specialized words. Thank you.

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