New Zealand - CV checking in the post-Davy era

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by oxpecker, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  2. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    Whilst this sounds like a good idea it is unlikely to be a major success, as CV fraud will be very low in New Zealand. There might be a perceived problem with immigants to New Zealand, but the verification done nowadays is very thorough and it is extremely difficult to achieve permanent residency status.
    And whilst Mark Israel won't agree, John Davy was performing an admirable function as CEO of Maori TV. Had he not been found out Maori TV would have been launched far sooner and he would likely have still been performing well. As it is Maori TV, which is now up and running, some two years after the departure of John Davy, will be lucky to survive for any great length of time in its present form.
    Prior to John Davy arriving for the CEO job Maori TV had been fraught with a multitude of scandals, like a former employee spending $80,000 on a pair of underpants and huge sums on new BMW's, etc.
    Dr Anatidae (Knightsbridge)
  3. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    And those diamond-encrusted underpants are not even comfortable. See
  4. kelly88

    kelly88 New Member

    WOW! $80,000(not US$ I'm guessing) for a pair of knickers???

    The cost of living in NZ must be skyhigh, how do native New Zealanders afford it?

    What do local academics pay for their underwear??

  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Perhaps spending $80,000 on a pair of underpants involved something else like getting them removed from a very expensive individual?
  6. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    So you consider plagiarizing entire documents word-for-word (such as corporate mission statements) to be admirable? Hmm...

    Moreover, given his circumstances, trying to refute or engage Mark Israel in a debate can only be described as abhorrent.

    Classy, Dr.Dr. Quack-Quack, real classy. :rolleyes:
  7. PJFrench

    PJFrench member

    Maybe they need somone with TC&U and Knightsbridge Doctorates to take over? You would also be even handed, as don't you 'protect' ducks on the one hand and sell ammunition on the other?
  8. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    live couture, or, ducking the issue

    Have they knickers in New Zealand, or do they hold one duck fore and one aft?
  9. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    It stands to reason that one fraud would defend another.

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