NACIQI - DETC - 5 Years and Scope Expanded for Professional Doctorates

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Mary A, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. PsychPhD

    PsychPhD New Member

    Done with you until you actually say something

    What is so horribly absent from your life that you had the time, energy, and motivation to write such a long and multi-referenced rant -- ignoring the topic, of course -- instead focusing on another's presentaiton -- while also remarkably absent of facts or evidence.

    We all can see you feel you are empowered by some sense of moral indigation. How "gallant" of you to rush to the defense of those here you feel have been "slighted."

    Of course, you completely ignore that no one here has been unable to defend him/herself. There have been disagreements, yes but none of the pathetic character assassination which is your sole format.

    You seem to think you are some sort of clone of Stephen Colbert but, dude, he's already got the job. And, know what?

    He doesn't really mean what he says!
  2. simon

    simon New Member

    Re: Done with you until you actually say something

    PsychPhD:]What is so horribly absent from your life that you had the time, energy, and motivation to write such a long and multi-referenced rant -- ignoring the topic, of course -- instead focusing on another's presentaiton -- while also remarkably absent of facts or evidence.

    SIMON: Obviously you are once again projecting. A quick review of this and the other thread regarding a faculty member in an unaccredited school using a (c) next to his Ph.D resulted in an obsessive outpouring of defensiveness on your part regarding an inconsequential issue and a complete inability to acknowledge this fact.

    Secondly, contrary to your attempt to distort facts I specficially addressed the topic of this thread as well as presenting a clear rationale for the necessity for doctoral level programs for nurses. In fact it is not only a matter of your condescening and demeaning "presentation" but that you have not demonstrated a sound rationale to negate the need for a doctorate in nursing. All you do is make sarcastic and hostile remarks which my friend does not substitute for substantive positions or conclusions based on facts and acccurate information. In addition you failed to respond to related questions regarding the need for more doctoral level psychologists.

    PsychPHD: We all can see you feel you are empowered by some sense of moral indigation. How "gallant" of you to rush to the defense of those here you feel have been "slighted."

    SIMON: You got caught my friend and are attempting to find an exist. This manipulative ploy will not work. All one has to do is review many of your comments in this and the other thread and what will be found is some interesting points but mixed with a great deal of lack of understanding of the complexity and nuances of the issues being discussed. END OF STORY.

    PsychPHD: Of course, you completely ignore that no one here has been unable to defend him/herself. There have been disagreements, yes but none of the pathetic character assassination which is your sole format.

    SIMON: "Character Assassination"? You mean like when you compare the Nursing profession to Air Conditioning, Truck Drivers and Prostitutes! You mean like when you make condescending and obviously uninformed hostile and belittling remarks regarding Nurses intent to improve their status in the medical community? Is that what you mean by "character assassination? Thanks for the clarification.

    PsychPHD: You seem to think you are some sort of clone of Stephen Colbert but, dude, he's already got the job. And, know what?

    He doesn't really mean what he says.

    SIMON: I know who I am and unfortunately have a good idea as to who you are as well.
  3. PatsFan

    PatsFan New Member

    I think this is good news for theological education. Degrees like the Doctor of Ministry and the Doctor of Educational Ministry will be able to be offered at DETC accredited seminaries.
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Re: Re: Done with you until you actually say something

    Well, of course a PhD in Sexology, EdD in Sex Education, or Doctor of Sex Therapy ought to be the minimum educational requirement for all new entrants into the prostitution profession; that way, we can have a bunch of know-it-alls. :D
  5. BryanOats

    BryanOats New Member

    Speaking of you experts, do any of you know of a legitimate school that offers a doctoral program in this field?
  6. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality offers the degrees Master of Human Sexuality and Doctor of Human Sexuality via short residency, albeit they are unaccredited but state-approved.

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