medical schools

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by deanhughson, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. WalkTrotCanter

    WalkTrotCanter New Member


    I have followed several threads on this site with some trepidation. It is disconcerting that decisions are being made with only internet "research" by an individual or individuals whose motives seem highly questionable or specious at best. While the questions in play dealing with medical education, the other issues deal with governing bodies.

    AAIMG: who are they and who runs it? if you have to ask and you have no idea who they really are, they are not credible as a governing or certifying body. To treat them as one is to bring down the other governing and accreditation bodies to a new low. The proper channels for regulation are followed by these and other schools. Should they vear from course, their accreditation will be in question. Should these schools, run entirely to fill a niche, flounder or fail to live up to billing, they will fail.

    It seems that no one on here has so much as visited the schools, seen the sessions, or so much as step foot in the countries the schools exist inside of much less interviewed at length the persons running them. What is out of whack is the amount of money they charge for the education akin to the most expensive US schools, while providing less than that in quality of professor. That is the trade off those students take.

    Credibility seems to be the prime issue. I can see that it is reflected negatively in many ways. What is obvious is that true research cannot be accomplished via the internet exclusively. Phone contact is merely secondary to a live personal visit. In the real world, this is impossible. The cost is prohibitive. Trusting information from biased internet sources is not, in my experience as a writer, a valid methodology of doing research. Most of it is flawed and lacking in details that any of the other methods root out. If you want truth, you cannot exclusively trust simple google citations and biased forum posts. They are anonymous for the most part. People's lives and livelyhoods are at issue here. Not just the owners or corporations of the medical schools, but the persons investing their futures in them. One must walk with a very thin line to protect the common good (medical treatment) and one of a citizens right to work. If the students pass the Medical Boards (all 3 steps), the Clinical Skills Assessment, and receive passing marks on the Shelf Exams, then it is obvious they have received a quality education and at the very least, worked as hard as any other student in the US.
  2. deanhughson

    deanhughson New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AAIMG

    actually, the most important thing is what the govt. offices of Senegal say,if they are truly supervising St. Chris. That is how US medical schools are evaluated the inspection of the schools.

    ultimately what happens is that a school will get approved on its merits and not on rumour,etc. St. Chris has some major bad press to overcome at this point.
  3. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AAIMG

    My hope is that you understand that this statement means nothing in terms of the issue at hand. It is heresay evidence and is only attributed to some "students who are applying," with no way to validate this claim. If you've talked to these people then "name names" or otherwise validate the claim.
  4. WalkTrotCanter

    WalkTrotCanter New Member

    Since hearsay was mentioned

    Would that be similar to the same type of hearsay coming from a Post Office Box which gets attributes from colleges? I am curious about this one since according to one individual, that is all there is, and if that is it, it is nothing more than a $1 Store disguised as a Walmart.

    Let us be careful when gving attribute to hearsay when other people's lives/livelihoods are at issue.
  5. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Sorry. I don't understand your post.
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Since the President of St. Christopher lives in Miami, is it possible that "WalkTrotCanter" could be he?

    One indeed must be careful about anonymous information . . . but one should not write it off, willy nilly. A lot of good has come from such sources, subsequently confirmed.

    For instance, the demise of the huge fraud Columbia State University began when I received a long anonymous message giving many details of the operation. I passed it on to the FBI and the USPS, and the rest is history.

    For instance, the main source of information on the gigantic Romanian scam, the University Degree Program, began with information supplied by an anonymous employee of that operation.
  7. stchrisstudent

    stchrisstudent New Member

    2 things:

    1. Miami - Dade county has over 2 million people, so it is quite possible that of those 2 million people, someone other than Dr. Leone could also have an opinion on this subject.

    2. Hopefully you are not attempting to compare st chris with Columbia state or some romanian scam. If you are, I find that highly offensive and completely groundless.
  8. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    St. Chris Student

    2 things:

    1. Miami - Dade county has over 2 million people, so it is quite possible that of those 2 million people, someone other than Dr. Leone could also have an opinion on this subject.

    John: Yeah, but has fewer than 1,000 active members, so the odds are a bit higher than one in 2 million that it is he.

    Of course if you anonymous writers would identify yourselves, there would be no need for such speculation.

    2. Hopefully you are not attempting to compare st chris with Columbia state or some romanian scam. If you are, I find that highly offensive and completely groundless.

    Perhaps if you had read what I wrote, you might agree that the only comparison I am suggesting is that in each case, some rather detailed information was issued anonymously.

    In the case of Columbia State (and others), the information proved reliable, and resulted in legal action against the schools.

    In the case of St. Christophers, to the best of my knowledge, the allegations have not been thoroughly investigated, whether by regulators, enforcers, or the media.

    When I had lunch with Dr. Leone a couple of months ago, my understanding was that he would be sending me information to discuss and refute the various allegations. To the best of my knowledge, this has not been received.
  9. stchrisstudent

    stchrisstudent New Member

    I know that there are a lot of things going on right now and he is likely very busy with them. It is not entirely impossible he forgot about sending you things. If you would like, I have his email address. I can PM it to you so that you can remind him.
  10. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I think it's great that a med school student is on such close personal terms with his dean. Would you explain the first paragraph of his post, or, if it's not his, would you, as a student at this school, please take a flyer at it anyway? I don't understand what he means by attributes and find it all rather hard to follow.

    See the following quote:

    "Would that be similar to the same type of hearsay coming from a Post Office Box which gets attributes from colleges? I am curious about this one since according to one individual, that is all there is, and if that is it, it is nothing more than a $1 Store disguised as a Walmart."

    Thank you for your help.
  11. stchrisstudent

    stchrisstudent New Member

    Obviously I can't be positive, but I am pretty sure that is not Dr. Leone. If it were, he would just come out and say who he is. Thats the kind of person he is. Again, 2 million people in one area, there is bound to be more than one person who could be a member of this forum and have an opinion. Also, I would hope that all students have access to their deans email address in case they have a problem and need his/her help. Our school makes it very easy to know admin/faculty's email address, it is just first initial, last name

    To answer your question though, i do not want to try and interpret someone elses post. I don't know if it is actually someone from st chris or just someone with an opinion, but either way, how can I be expected to interpret someone elses thoughts? You have just as good a shot at that as I do. :D
  12. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Not when the English is unintelligible, I don't. I thought if you were used to this sort of expression (assuming the person has some connection to your institution, else why would he/she write?), you could decipher it. You know, like reading a physician's handwriting on a prescription?
  13. WalkTrotCanter

    WalkTrotCanter New Member

    Umm, to end any drama that seemed to be creeping up, I am not "the Dr. Leone" nor am I his ghost. I merely bring up valid questions, few of which are being addressed. No major or minor group representing any "oversight" ever hides behind a Mailboxes Etc address.

    I think someone said there are over 2 million people in the area where I am from. I think it is higher than that and all of them were on I-95 just a few days ago since it took me forever to get from Downtown Miami to Davie. Please, get a rail system in here farther north. (We have Metrorail but its use is limited.)

    I have a passing interest in this due to a few friends who are also Floridian's. However, that said, I think the post concerning Foreign Doctors is flawed and lacks thought. Many very excellent physicians throughout history came from other than our shores. My Pediatrician is from Israel and she is excellent. My Internist is a St. George's Grad. He is fine as well.

    My spouses doctor while a US trained doctor, has several partners who come from foreign schools and they are US born citizens. The overiding test is the USMLE. If they were not good, they would not pass. If they don't pass, you don't see them. So don't worry. Just demand excellent care and treatment and you'll be fine.

    If I were Mr. Bear, I would send out notice that delays in forwarding information on a timely basis indicates a lack of interest in proving one's case, be it valid or not. (I do not know). however, when someone promises me documents and I do not get them, it is obvious they do not take my requests seriously.

    Just my opinion. It is after all his institution that is seeking validation correct?

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