Lerner is actually at least two people

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by DesElms, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. DougG

    DougG New Member

    Flame Warriors


    That's a great link, thanks.
  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I cant stop luging.

    Guys you are so funny.
    There is one learner, and my post about ABET - not mill drives you nuts because I tell the potential students before they enrol ina school to get the best they can.

    I don't like AED and havent posted there for over a year or maybe 2. There is someone else there making me look bad.

    My posts are good posts and bring value to the readers.
    Gregg alway have this teories and its simply funny.

    What I stated before doing some copy and paste is what confuses you people, I have to do that because I was trying to post better structured posts.

    I'm interested in Education, Post Graduate speccialy from valid recognized university in order to further my career.

    The rest is DREAMLAND.
    I stated RA+PA has the higherst value and I stand by this.

    Golliun has my rwspect and never ever enywere I said anything bad about him.

    Once when Gregg went on his wild imagination trips like this one - I did posted somthing negative from another site that showed exactly the same patern - i.e. wild goose chase and teories.
    Maybe other people deserved it, but me ?

    I do take this a a funny and knowing he is not a bad guy I don't hold this in any negative form.


    Sweet dreems.
  3. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    What is "luging"?
  4. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    It's one of the events in the Winter Olympics, no?
  5. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    At least Gregg identifies when he is qouting people or sources and his writing is understanable. Any one plagarizing af High School or above is usually shown the door. Especially after being shown the difference several times.
  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Gregg, Jack, Dave: Just so.
  7. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    If you're going to smack me around a bit, at least you could've said "head" and "butt" aren't reversed--that would've been more pithy.

  8. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

  9. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    You've compared your looks to Homer Simpson, I've compared mine to Woody Harrelson. Assuming we're both somewhat accurate and truthful (a big "if" given our occupations), I think I've got you beat.

    Not that Woody is some kind of Redford (he couldn't even keep Demi Moore out of a paunchy, senior citizen Redford's embrace--what was that movie called?), but at least he has the appropriate four fingers plus thumb.


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