  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Why don't you apply for a position with K-W and get the true inside story?
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    One other thing....

    I have no desire to try to "take away" from such a person what he so obviously cherishes: the title of "doctor." He can call himself the pope for all I care.

    Several times on a.e.d. and About.com, the idiots who now thrive there have made it a point to call people like Bear, Levicoff, and me "Mister." Fine. Who cares? They can't take away what I won't allow them. It is not theirs to give, nor to take away. The same with a person claiming degrees from diploma mills. I didn't give him the title; I cannot take it away. But I can certainly conclude what it is worth.

    People with degrees from fake schools can go around calling themselves anything they want. It is futile trying to stop them. And why should anyone care about some fraud halfway around the world? But if someone like that brought that lame piece of junk into my wheelhouse, I'd send it out quicker than a hanging curve to Barry Bonds. (Translation: If I came across it in a professional situation, I'd point it out in a hurry.)
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    This is an intriguing idea. But it fails on three fronts. First, can you imagine the field day some people would have with this? I'd never hear the end of it, even if my motives were just. Second, I doubt seriously that K-WU adjunct faculty have much insight into the process, and I can't imagine actually working for them full-time. Finally, my current employer wouldn't look too kindly on such an involvement, even if for noble (and clandestine) purposes.
  4. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    Rich Douglas wrote:

    > It is an assertion until supported. The anonymous poster
    > provided none. Neither did you.

    Well, if you're going to shout at me... :(

    > Nowhere on that page does it mention--or even allude to--
    > sales commissions.
    Satisfied now?
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes. About something you raised, however, not me.

    As for shouting, no. All-caps is shouting. Bold is a way of emphasizing something. See:



    More Netiquette

    for examples.
  6. Cantsayname123

    Cantsayname123 New Member

    I was just about to respond to the comment that I hadn't provided any support to my assertion that they are paid commission when I discovered that Mark Israel had dug up some proof for me! Thanks! OH, and after you pay an application fee (for which the counselor is paid 75.00 each), your file gets passed on to a senior admissions specialist who makes a percentage of your tuition as commission. (These people make 6 figures annually).
  7. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    reading all of this makes me wish I didn't have any ethics..... 6 figures.... that would be sweet!
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Putting aside for a moment the terrible thing that is K-WU, I'm not sure I understand why paying enrollment people sales commissions is a bad thing, in principle.

    If a university is open-enrollment--and most are, admitting all qualified candidates--then what is wrong with incentivizing what is, essentially, your sales force? They're doing what you want--increasing enrollments. Provided they do not compromise standards--accredited schools obviously have checks and balances for that--what's the difference? (Besides the fact that the regional accreditors don't stand for it, of course.)

    Ultimately, we're all rewarded in our jobs for doing well, whether it's through pay raises, promotions, awards, bonuses, etc.--or commissions. The Benjamins spend the same, no matter how they were doled out.
  9. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I would assume that the reason that RA doesn't allow commisions in that situation is that it would encourage the sales force to help the candidate get enrolled using deceit. The reason that it is not a problem in the case of KWU is that KWU doesn't apparently even bother with an admissions committee. If the candidate has the money then it seems that they're in so the sales force doesn't need to deceive anyone. So does KWU even have any kind of admissions committee?

    This is one of the reasons that any info on the KWU test that is worth an AA degree would be so interesting. It would have to be the sales person that would say that it is required. If there's no one checking admissions then they would never say it was required. If the test even exists?

    P.S. I suggest that KWU be used instead of using the hyphen because I don't think that the search engine will accept a hyphen in the search string.
  10. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    Bill Huffman writes:

    > P.S. I suggest that KWU be used instead of using the
    > hyphen

    http://www.kwu.edu is Kansas Wesleyan University.

    > because I don't think that the search engine will accept a
    > hyphen in the search string.

    So use "Kennedy-Western" on first reference and "K-W" on subsequent references.
  11. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    Rich Douglas writes:

    > Putting aside for a moment the terrible thing that is K-WU,
    > I'm not sure I understand why paying enrollment people sales
    > commissions is a bad thing, in principle.
    > If a university is open-enrollment--and most are, admitting all
    > qualified candidates--then what is wrong with incentivizing
    > what is, essentially, your sales force?

    University of Phoenix already has a bad reputation because of its aggressive marketing. Do you really want a world where every admissions counselor of every open-enrollment university finds it to his financial advantage to drum up sales by cold calling, spamming, or giving prospective students the impression that the degrees are easier to earn than they actually are?

    > Ultimately, we're all rewarded in our jobs for doing well,
    > whether it's through pay raises, promotions, awards, bonuses,
    > etc.--or commissions.

    That's the private sector. In other sectors we try to insulate ourselves from pure-greed motivations by tenuring professors, conflict-of-interest guidelines for politicians, etc.
  12. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    Cantsayname123 writes:

    > I discovered that Mark Israel had dug up some proof for me!
    > Thanks!

    Glad I could help.

    When someone applies to do a Master's or Doctoral degrees at K-W, is any attempt made to verify that his Bachelor's degree is valid?
  13. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Fine. But in those sectors people are still rewarded for performance. In fact, a common complaint about the public sector is when there is no motivation to improve, the public itself becomes ill-served.

    There is nothing unique about the admissions process that makes it any more subject to such pressures, regardless of how its operatives are compensated.

    I read in the news yesterday that Nova Southeastern (a not-for-profit) is now the 10th largest private university in the country. I don't think they got that large without an aggressive, motivated, and compensated enrollment force, whose members are rewarded for production.
  14. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Does anyone know that RA accreditors do not allow commissions to be paid to admissions counselors, or is this speculation?
  15. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Unknown, although there have been multiple reports of people using Bears' Guide Degree Mill chapter totally bogus degrees to get accepted into KWU Ph.D. programs.
  16. BobC

    BobC New Member

    I searched through every .PDF and HTML page on "Sales" and "Commissions" @

    http://www.msache.org (Middle States RA)

    and saw nothing documented about school recruiters not allowed to receive commissions. They also have an order form for books relating to getting accredited that I don't believe all were on the website, but there's quite a bit that is though.

    I found something Interesting here:


    TOURO College NY is on Probation as of November 2003, doesn't say why in that document perhaps somewhere else.
  17. UoPStudent

    UoPStudent New Member


    Hi All,

    I work for UOP and we don't recieve commission. I believe it is against the policy for RA schools.
  18. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Re: Commission

    I was just wondering if it was in writing somewhere. I have looked at ads for admissions counselors on monster.com, and the ones from UoP and others all seem to just be salary positions. I would like to see it in writing if someone knows where it could be found.
  19. galanga

    galanga New Member

    K-W cross reference to another thread

    This seemed like a good place to cross reference a different thread which contains information about K-W. See




    for information concerning Kennedy-Western presented in testimony at Senator Susan Collins' senate hearings in May, 2004.

  20. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Kennedy-Western University is a diploma mill in my opinion. KWU was significantly featured in the US government's investigation into diploma mills. After viewing I'm more convinced than ever that KWU is a diploma mill. I'm not a lawyer nor am I in law enforcement but it appears to me (a non-expert layman) that KWU is a fraudulent organization and that after a full criminal investigation (if one were ever done) criminal charges could probably be filed. Dr. G posted the links to the CSPAN presentation of this investigation.

    First day:

    Second day:

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