If you could, would you do a TRIPLE major? And if so, what would you major in?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by NMTTD, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    By the way, the "very elite liberal arts colleges" tend to have unusually high rates of double-majoring. To pick the first two schools on the list:

    Amherst recently reported 169 double-majors and 2 triple-majors, out of 441 graduates. That means that 38.7 % of students had more than one major.

    Williams doesn't provide exact stats, but says that "approximately 38 % of students graduate as double majors". So about the same.

    These schools only offer BA degrees, and the number of required courses for any major is relatively low. So it's relatively easy to complete the courses needed for multiple majors, while taking only the minimum number of courses needed to graduate.

    In these cases, double-majoring doesn't take any extra coursework, time, or money, relative to a single major. So why not ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2013
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't delay getting a degree in order to obtain a second major--unless that second major was directly and immediately relevant to my goals. Not one day.

    One of the two majors will soon not matter, especially if graduate degrees are earned. In fact, the entire bachelor's often becomes irrelevant at that point.

    This is much ado about nothing--or very little.
  4. Graves

    Graves Member

    For me, having a minor is fine at a bachelor's level. Graduate school with double (and the rare triple) majors does intrigue me though. I am hoping to enter a Psy.D./Ph.D. program in the future. I would love if a program existed where I could study clinical or counseling psychology in addition to minor subfields:
    Sports psychology
    Spiritual/transpersonal psychology
    Health psychology
    Some other combos I'd love
    Psy.D./MSW/PMHNP (Or just one of the former with the latter)
    Psy.D./M.Div/PhD transpersonal psych

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