I am Becoming Angry

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by DTechBA, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Re: Re: Re: You're right, I'm already PO'd

    Have they ever heard of a metal band binder? BInd them together and no warpage, voila!! My neighbor was a contractor in St. Pete for years and said he keeps his supply in the garage year round. Still has a house down there. Maybe he is just smarter than the average Floridian?

    Remember, we are talking about the people who can't use the butterfly ballot. Maybe it is too much to expect them to be able to stormproof their lives....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2005
  2. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    And another thing to pee me off...

    Just why in the hades are tax dollars supporting the insurance fund to pay for those people to build flimsy houses on the coast. I got an idea, a widfall profit tax on the 10 Billions in profits just Exxon made last quarter. Move everyone to high ground, put the power lines underground (will at least speed up getting power back on) and tear down the shacks on the shore. Crap, I am beginning to sound like a liberal. I need to see a shrink....
  3. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    I just got power back after 3 days. We stayed in our house in Broward County for the storm. Our condo in Palm Beach County got hit but is ok.

    I cannot agree more with most of what is said here. We filled up our cars, bought plenty of non-perishable food, batteries, and rode out the storm. Outside of trees and a couple of tiles off the roof we did fine.

    We tired quickly of the bitching on the radio about the lack of water, ice and gas after the storm. PEOPLE, we had PLENTY of warning the storm was coming! There was plenty of gasoline, ice and water available in the days leading to Wilma's arrival. Water, tuna, ice, and bread are cheap!

    Some in our area didn't even bother to put up their shutters even though everyone in our area has them. I got to hear some boo hoo hooing after a neighboor had a piece of a roofing tile go through his unprotected window.

    We were pleased to hear that FPL was trying to take care of critical needs first. Hospitals, the ports, and police\fire needed electricty more than we did.

    One of my biggest complaints were the media people standing in the middle of the storms telling others how dangerous it was to be out!!!

    Just my opinion
  4. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    In Germany...

    For those who have spent time in Germany, I wonder if those roll down shutters (rolladen) almost every house had over there would stand up to hurricane winds? They were reinforced with steel rods and rolled down from the inside.


    Carlos, I take back what I said about Floridians. You are evidence many have common sense....
  5. There are "accordian style" hurricane shutters similar to the rolladen you describe. Those are the easiest to put up, since all you do is slide them in place and latch them - they are on tracks, and permanently mounted to the house. However, they can also get corroded between seasons, and can be difficult to "slide into place" without a ton of WD40 on hand, and my opinion is that they are generally weaker than the bolt on steel shutters. They are much more expensive too than the more traditional shutters, and certainly more expensive than plywood!
  6. Clay

    Clay New Member


    I lost two beach houses last year and a couple properties in Mississippi this year. The beach places had been there 50+ yrs. and I had never made a claim for any damage, same with the Miss. props. My insurance jumped through the roof in the past few years. So being stupido, I cancelled my beach property insurance. They were places to chill and watch the Gulf. They had been through numerous storms, suffering just minor damage.

    Florida seems to attract every Yankee in the country. Our growth rate is obscene. I guess it's a give and take situation. To live where a jacket is worn maybe a week a year means you suck it up with the storms. The poor construction of many homes is one problem, poor oversight by inspectors is another, but nothing is gonna take a direct hit by a CAT 3-5. The storm serge alone will wipe out ground level wooden structures. CB may survive, but the interior is gone.

    I agree that we should not supplement wealthy jerks continuing to build where they KNOW there is a good chance of getting whacked again. But the beach is a draw to many folks. Now, unless you have a bank account the size of small countries, you can only see the beach through spaces between large condo buildings. I used to camp on the beach, build fires, drink cases of beer, had a dune buggy. Today, you have to pay to park and stroll a couple hundred yards, with beach cops "eyeballin" your every move.

    I live in a condo, on a bay of the beach, and know it will disappear if a big one hits. But the entire state sticks out into the water. And Mother Nature has had PMS lately(cut me some slack Kit). If you are willing to pay $450k-1+m for a one bedroom condo, pay the taxes and insurance, just to stay home, I guess it's a matter of priorities.

    No SOB/DOB, including MN, is going to tell me where to live. This is home, and will be, even as you wave while I float into the sunset.

    I stock-up on water, MREs, batteries, aid kit w/ sutures and all needed emergency equipment. And haul-butt if the storm is going to probably make a direct hit. If I'm on the periphery, I stash my toy (Porsche) and ride the tide. As long as I only place myself in danger, big deal.

    I built a house "inland" several years ago. In '85 there were 24 people, 6 cats, and 3 dogs staying there. I had it built to my standards. MN could take a hike. I hate crowds, so I went to work, after leaving a couple cases of liquor, in hopes they would thin the numbers. Didn't work. Everyone was best friends, when I returned, and said they would gather again when the next one hit. I sold the house as soon as possible, got a divorce, and some privacy.

    Cannot move to Yankeeland cause I talk funny, only like snow when I'm skiing, and like driving something other than rust. My options are limited. I can move to some mountain, build a fortress (with moat), and worry about " Deliverance", or forest fires. If I could afford it, I'd move wherever people aren't. I'm an agoraphobic in the middle of a yuppie ant mound. Probably used the wrong term, love open space, hate people (yuppies).

    We need to remember we are just temporary tenants on this ball. The critters will be here long after we dispose of ourselves. And when the sun becomes a red giant, this earth will fry like KFC.

    Anyone in a danger zone (weather) should be prepared, if not they can whine all they want. Some folks need to learn that life ain't a "gimmie". You need to cover your six.

    All through with today's rant. My buddy has lost a brother, son, daughter and mother within the last two weeks, so complaining seems stupid. now.
  7. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Far be it for me...

    Wouldn't think of telling you where to live. You sound like a big boy more than capable of making a big boy decision. My only complaint is when some, after knowing they live in the hurricane zone, scream for the government to bail them out. Worse they expect us to feed and water them the day after the hurricane after they had almost a weeks warning the thing was coming. When interviewed they didn't even seem like they knew they screwed up.

    I live in the Mississippi River valley so I know about people milking flood insurance. A few years back the Fed's came along and said feel free to live where you want but if you live on the flood plain we're done insuring you. We'll buy what you have and you can move to higher ground or you are on your own. That is as it should be.

    I am heartily sick of this whining, "where is the government". I wonder how many of them at the same time complain about taxes. Can't have it both ways.

    Now let me get this right, you left a crowd of people with free booze and expected them to leave? Weren't you in the Army? I may have to revoke your DD-Fm 2 (R or A version) for that mistake...
  8. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    Dumb luck! Generator destroyed when resident uses lit candle to check fuel level

    Dumb luck! Generator destroyed when resident uses lit candle to check fuel level


    Must be transplanted Yankees!
  9. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Re: Florida Yankees

    I worked with a native Floridian years ago. She used to complain that the further SOUTH you went in Florida, the further North you really were!
  10. Clay

    Clay New Member


    I'm with you 100% on the whole matter. As far as leaving the beach goes, I was skipping so much class, I got tagged by Uncle Sam. Realized that there were more idiots, than I had imagined, in the world, and didn't feel like washing garbage cans. So, I signed-up for SF and OCS. Instead of washing cans I was brassoing(sp?) them and eating things that flies ignored. Loved small units able to wipe out companies, playing cowboy, blowing up stuff, and kickin a.

    By the time I was through playing, everything was gone. Reckon you can never go home. Got recruited by everyone, played more cowboy and used wise-asses for a speed-bag. Still do, to keep the myself in a cheerful frame of mind. And don't sweat the small stuff. Hate whiners and fat-headed blowhards. My drinkin buddies wear stars or the MOH, DSC etc...so I ignore the wannas.

    Been called everything except a regular citizen that loves his country and wishes people could get along. Also want folks to pull their own weight, if they can, and as much as possible if they can't. I don't owe anyone jack and I'm not adopting unknowns too lazy to get off their butts.

    Look like Frankenstein, from self-repair, and fear nothing on earth, except paralysis. Gone up against guns, knives, cars, choppers, grenades, ground, trees, and a few ex'es. So I think the ex'es qualify me to make mistakes and spit on punks. Never ran from a fight and never left one without the opponents wishing they had picked on someone else. Even if I was crawling.

    Ran out of tears years ago, still cannot cry as I watch my friends and family die. Hope Janko is right, cause this has not been a party. Need some R&R. I may tease a few, but have no malice toward anyone, until they draw first blood. Just killin time till I get orders to head out, for "killin time".

    Wish the world was a nice place, but wishes are like opinions......
    Born without a fear bone, adrenaline junkie, and late for date. Hope are well, and appreciate what you have. Time to let the spelling, punctuation, and grammar bots go to work.
  11. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Clay - Thanks for your service. I'm glad you're with us.
  12. Clay

    Clay New Member


    I'm an old beat-up fighter. I want nothing. I would like to talk and see folks get along, but people are so involved in their lives, and temporary trash, they cannot see the forest. I want to do right, but I'm no pawn. If you want to play games, dig your graves. I can out think your best. Das eist mine challenge. I hurt no one, but will dispose of anyone choosing to be prey. I hunt, and nullify, make-believe intellects. Janko and Gregg are not in the game. They are judges. Take a shot. They are honest, and will be objective. I will adhere to their prognosis. I am myself. I ask folks to accept a wurne - vit stuk van shit. Punks can write a rebuttal in some other phantasy.
    Dank voor viw tagt,
    Clay= Mud (Cat- I can take a shot. My game, henceforth.)
  13. Clay

    Clay New Member


    Sorry for being a jerk. Just bored and ready to scoot. Nosborne48 is so right, need to learn Yankee and Spanglish to survive. Beautiful weather, jumping time. Or go to the old beach, if it still exists, and giggle. Old MN getting tired of us. Funny how everything was better, yesterday? Need attitude adjustment. Hug the family. They leave without notes.
  14. Clay

    Clay New Member


    My rant was directed at "CAT". I know diddly about computers. Got home and had mail from Cat, calling me everything but human, Cat reads DI. Tried mailing back but got mail daemon thing and return of my very off-color response. Hope Cat licks outlets. Probably one of the idiots using mattress as flotation device. Love critters, but this Cat needs to be dinner, at oriental restaurant. Hope they take off flea collar before serving. Sorry for using DI to attempt contact.
  15. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Re: CNN and the shortages in Florida...

    Nor, apparently, can the people protect the government from its own stupidity...

  16. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I'm glad that you're here too, Clay.
  17. Clay

    Clay New Member


    Thanks Uncle, Jack, and understanding folks. Will curb my temper, and realize they are only words. Wish I knew 1/4 of what Gregg knows about computers. Maybe go huntin, tranquilizer gun only. Send Cat to North Korea. Poor folks eating their shoes while Kim plays "King of Facade". Too much collateral, need direct action from inside. They must neuter military upon conscription. Hope he is standing under window when Shamu jumps. :eek: :D
  18. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    re the vicious stalinist state (what other kind of stalinist state is there?)

    Erase the Kimfamy! Restore the Yi (Joseon) Dynasty!

    Mencius said that feeding the people was the first priority.
  19. Clay

    Clay New Member


    We think things are bad. We have some fools, storms, political intrigue, but still the best place on earth. Folks can't appreciate having water that isn't infested with something that eats them from the inside out, can say what we want, and do as we please, drive Big A SUV's.

    Some of the scholars here need to do a study on die Grobe de mannlichen Anhang Verse the size of their vehicles. Seems like the overly/underly macho have a similar trait. Wonder was es ist? See, new language and no knock on the door.

    Bet that runt has a dozen. The people are too weak, w/o weapons, and under constant observation by their own. They have no concept of the outside world. And our alleged allies would sell their mothers for a buck.

    Used to worry about Kentec in Sophia, Bulgaria. Now everyone is peddling like the "popsicle man". But the horror of a late pizza man. How do we survive?
  20. carlosb

    carlosb New Member


    In part:


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