Guglielmo Marconi University is ACICS accredited.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by nyvrem, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Viktoria

    Viktoria Member

    Where did you see anything about ACICS? I can't even find that.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    If you mean - where did I see ACICS accredited Marconi U? - It's the first post in this thread. Also its title.
    If you mean - where did I see ACICS and its downfall mentioned? All over. It was big news here for a while.

    This thread will give you a good sample:

    There are plenty of other ACICS threads, if you use the search-thingy. At one time ACICS accredited about 900 schools, including multiple locations. Some were big chains of schools - some of them were bad chains, too. ACICS-accredited Corinthian Colleges, with 23 locations, imploded, leaving thousands of students in the lurch. One of the Corinthian threads here:

    ITT schools were another ACICS-accredited chain that went kaput. Many sad stories among former ACICS-accredited schools.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
  3. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Rich Douglas likes this.
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Thanks, tadj. That changes everything. I missed that completely due to the name change. If it's DEAC - it's OK - as long as DEAC accreditation meets your needs.
    Rich Douglas and tadj like this.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Thems usta be fightin' words.
    Suss, Johann and tadj like this.
  6. Viktoria

    Viktoria Member

  7. Viktoria

    Viktoria Member

    I meant if you saw this accreditation on their website. From what I saw they have none.
  8. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Currently, these are two separate universities, not branches of one institution.

    "Guglielmo Marconi University is the first online university recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (“Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca”) according to the Ministerial Decree of March 1st, 2004. Titles and qualifications are recognized by the Italian law and education system."

    "MIU City University Miami is an American university in Miami that offers accredited online and on-campus bachelor’s and master’s degrees and courses." "At its June 2023 meeting, the [DEAC] Commission granted the institution accreditation."
    Rich Douglas and Johann like this.
  9. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    I started do some digging through the MIU City University Miami's website, and it looks like they're part of a larger international group called ProEduca:

    So while we've been focused on this university's connection to Guglielmo Marconi University, it looks like it also connects to the Spanish-speaking world through this ProEduca outfit, which offers online learning in Spain, Mexico, and beyond. In several of those countries, they're specifically involved with UNIR, which I believe we've discussed before. Fascinating how all of these universities seem to interconnect.

    On a separate note, "MIU City University Miami" sure is a mouthful, especially if you extend the acronym: Marconi International University City University Miami.
    tadj likes this.
  10. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    MIU may no longer stand for Marconi. Who knows? But I've also noted this Spanish connection when previously looking through the various links on the MIU City University Miami website. For example, if you click on the FAQ section (, it has the following question, which seems kind of odd when you don't acknowledge this connection:

    "How can I obtain recognition for my MIU City University Miami bachelor’s or master’s degree in Spain?
    You can apply for recognition of your MIU City University Miami degree in Spain by following these steps:

    Messdiener likes this.
  11. armado

    armado New Member

    Yes, MIU not belong to Uni Marconi.
    They already sold it to ProEduca
    Johann and SteveFoerster like this.
  12. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    That's correct, they're not branches of each other, they're completely different institutions recognized by their own respective countries. As long as they are properly accredited, I don't see anything wrong at the moment with either institution. If DEAC accreditation and NA institutions works for you, it's recognized by USDOE and CHEA, it's good.
    Rich Douglas likes this.
  13. Viktoria

    Viktoria Member

    Hello again,

    As per the title of this thread, Guglielmo Marconi University is ACICS accredited. However, I could not find any reference to this accreditaion on their website:

    Are we talking about the one in Italy? Or is it possible the accreditation was removed?
  14. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Viktoria likes this.
  15. armado

    armado New Member

    The ACICS accredited is for their US entity - MIU- which no longer belong to them ( sold to ProEduca)
    Viktoria likes this.

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