Experinced based learning degrees

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by morleyl, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Just guessing here: I suspect St. Regis is even more flexible. But perhaps I'm mistaken.:rolleyes:
  2. morleyl

    morleyl New Member

    Now we are getting somewhere. I agree with the narrative to some extent but if someone did a major project once it can be establish that they did the project in a credible way then that could cover several areas of expertise and learning.

    As I said if they make it more efficient then the cost will not be as much.

    Of course I would emphasize keeping the standards high as if the person took a course..
  3. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    From The Unofficial Thomas Edison State College (TESC ) Portfolio Guide , here at Degreeinfo:

    "For my credit in folk guitar, I met with TESC's evaluator (a music professor at Mercer County Community College) and played a few songs on the guitar. (By the way, I also challenged voice, piano, solfeggio [sight singing], performance class, choral singing, and a few other music courses.) After a two-hour meeting with the evaluator, I walked out with 20 credits in various music subjects. "

    20 credits in 2 hours. Is that the kind of "red tape" you are talking about?

    Do we really need a LESS rigorous method for awarding credits?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2003
  4. morleyl

    morleyl New Member

    I am not sure what you are getting at. Can you do this for every area of study? maybe not.

    I am a lay person and I do not know all the occurences of credit etc. What I have read in my short period of research still says it can be challenging and costly. Nothing is wrong with challenge but just need to make sure its practical and meaningful.

    In one sense you guys seem to uphold the concept of prior learning credit but in another sense you tend to think its not reputable.

    I also think the researcj paper approach is very effective to demonstrate knowledge and grasp of a subject..
  5. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    "Us guys" don't think with one mind. Our opinions differ (at least until I activate the implants...HAH....HAH.....HAH.)

    For the five hundred and seventy second time: how does what you are proposing differ from what is currently available from legitimate universities?
  6. morleyl

    morleyl New Member

    Hi Jeff:

    Maybe you should educate me here. Are you saying that the research paper is the same as portfolio assessment?

    I think my concept or idea is different in sense that its focus on the body of knowledge for a subject plus a foundation. Each foundation will vary in some ways.. For example an engineer would need more calculus than a person doing music.

    The key to me is giving the person the tools to fit into academics while leveraging existing knowledge.

    So it could be a combination of means to achieve degree on a case by case basis.

    You must notice that only the usual three schools really offer this flexible route to earn a degree. Others accept the concepts but set limits on them. Thats why I was saying red tape, it did not apply to the big three so to speak.

    The main concern for them is still cost to some extent. From TESC, it would cost $12,000.00 to get 120 credits by portfolio assessment. The exams are a little less so may prove to be a better route where applicable.

    If a person can get 20 credits in two hours then they should not pay 20 * 100 = 2000.00 for that one session, so I was saying in some instance the cost could be less.

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