CPU DBA: I finally enrolled in it

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by richardmgreen, May 14, 2004.

  1. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    Moving to CA? Which part?

    In Silly-con Valley (where we have some interesting job dynamics) at one time it was not even necessary to have a bachelors to get a six figure job, things are quite different. Now ads are asking for masters degrees. While our jobless numbers never really seemed that high (I think 9.8% was the highest I heard), remember that number does not include people that have just stopped looking.

    As for the doctorate, the companies here are getting pretty tough on accepting credentials, because they can. Around here (and in So. Cal), you cannot swing a dead cat (for PETA members, I mean that figuratively, not literally) on a sidewalk without hitting a half dozen MBAs. There are folks with PhDs from Stanford, Hah-vahd, etc. running around here.

    If you are going to do a one man show, then Silly-con Valley is the place to do it. We're set up for start ups. However, an unaccredited doctorate will likely not be seriously viewed.

    Good luck!

  2. richardmgreen

    richardmgreen New Member

    Teaching, consulting are what I want to do as part of a private instittute. My guitar teacher does this and he has thousands of students because he teacher people what they want to know at a good price and word gets around.
    A friend of mine commented as I said on profs at a local U in NJ and how their egos were so inflated. Pretty funny considering how their students find it difficult to find jobs. Eighty percent of the college grads dont' find jobs in their field and Business 2.0 had that article "What's an MBA Worth?"
    Seems to me that we need to revamp a lot of things. Personal enrichment and satisfaction is another reason to do this degree. My studies ended in '86 and I didn't pursue more academia since I was a computer programmer/analyst and not a business consultant. But I also did financial analysis as well.
    The right person can sell himself. I know people from Ivy League schools (Ben Gurion U is up there and I competed well with the Israelis) so it's a matter of perserving and believing in yourself and the fight.
    Over the years so many people discouraged me from trying to finish my Master's. Your a professional student yaddah, yaddah. Coming from a hairdresser, who needed the comment? I go by my instincts and always land on my feet.
    Business 2.0 said that only degrees from a top school are worthwhile. I can't believe that only Harvard grads find jobs. It's just not the case.
    I bought John Bear's books on alternative education years ago while I was going to traditional schools. Nevertheless, I wound up at Empire State College for my BS in the last year and in the BU/BGU program. All of this was alternative ed.
  3. Denver

    Denver Member

    I too went through a similar PhD/DBA self-evaluation. I was lucky enough to meet with Vernon Trafford who was Co-director of both the PhD and DBA programs at Anglia Polytechnic at the time (2000). He sated that “you go away for a PhD and you stay home for a DBA”. I decided to stay at home for research, but I still travel overseas for the seminars (I picked Grenoble’s DBA for my program). I have been very satisfied with the experience I have had over the two and a half years I have been in the program. If anyone is interested in how my program works, I have put together an “unofficial students FAQ” on it at


    When I finish my dissertation and defend (hopefully next May) I plan on posting a link so my fellow degreeinfo members can download it (my topic is the demand for post graduate part-time distance education in the EU).

  4. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    For those with some money to spend and who are happy with the DBA designation, Grenoble seems like an good option. Thanks for the info.


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