Columbia State University "even more acceptable"

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by [email protected], Apr 15, 2003.


    [email protected] New Member

    Re: Re: Moses on the Ark

    Rich Douglas writes:

    > Wrong. How can you suppose this without having read the
    > dissertation?

    I didn't know there was a dissertation. I had only seen mention of a survey.

    This was a better study than I had credited. My apologies to Rich.
  2. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    I don't think that I think like me??????

    An industry that provides degrees from what looks like hundreds of dead schools.

    I'm impressed.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    A forum loaded with anonymous hecklers? No thanks. Plus, there's no upside. It'll just be out there like any other dissertation.
  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Referencing Gus's riddle,

    Two other men go into the same restaurant and split the cost of the $24 meal. The same waitress talks the gullible manager into giving them a $4 discount. She again pockets $2 dollars and returns $1 to each of the men.

    Reviewing the facts... each man received one dollar back from the original $12 spent. So each man paid $11. $11 times two equals $22 plus the waitress' $2 equals the original $24 bill.

    Why does it add up this time?
    Answer: since the first three men visited the restaurant, the waitress has received her accounting degree from St. Regis.
  5. cehi

    cehi New Member

    Rich: "A forum loaded with anonymous hecklers?"

    Cehi: Very funny. Can you name one?

    Rich: "No thanks. Plus, there's no upside. It'll just be out there like any other dissertation"

    Cehi: True. Most dissertations usually lay very comfortable in their different forms (hardbound, microfisch, etc) either at various college libraries or at commercial online databases until someone with a similar interest or need searches for them. Once candidates get their Ph.D's, they quietly disappear into their chosen professions and just melow until they are no longer needed or retired and eventually become consultants. Hey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    As far as I am concerned, you have done very well in sharing your wisdom on higher education issues with folks in this forum regardless of how the comments are decoded by the audience. I wish you a hearty congratulations on your achievement.

    The bottom line is that those who wants to know will know and those who don't want to know will not know.
    I feel that there are countless, different challenges out there for everyone regardless of where each of us obtain our degree or what type of degree each of us may have.

    You have done well. Lots of fun for you. Much regard.

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