Clarification Please on DETC ? And Help!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by JoePan, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. BrianH

    BrianH Member

    Had to call my brother.

    SC uses Blackboard.

    Books are expensive, like any other school, you would be looking$70 a book new....most classes use one big one and a couple of smaller much cheaper ones..any book can be bought on ebay(cheap cheap), Amazon, etc.

    Classes are six weeks. You will have to double some or you will not even get 30 hours a year. As with any school, it depends who your instructor is and what the classes are when you double.
    I used to work 40 hours(back in the day) and take 18 credits a semester and I am still alive to talk about it.

    I did not get a business degree though and cannot tell you anything except about the education classes(my degree) and the CJ classes, which my brother just earned an on-line degree from SC. He loved it, it was his second BA(or BS Im not sure actually) from SC and he is now a graduate student at Capella.

    SC is friendly, has a wonderful campus(which does not matter to you I understand), and I always heard my friends say nothing but great thing about the business classes.
    I also go to every football game, etc etc, its extended family and the education I received at SC was substantially better than my two graduate degrees put offense to those two schools.
    Just my two cents...
    good luck!!

    One more brother started his graduate work at UoP(your school) and thought UoP was a little slower to respond than SC but still very good..just found a more suitable program at Capella
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2005
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    IMHO, UoP's tech support is the best on the planet. I have been routinely amazed at their willingness to help, around-the-clock availability, and ability to troubleshoot difficulties. While I'm often critical about UoP's lack of attention to their infrastructure, tech support certainly isn't part of that. The best.
  3. Mustang

    Mustang New Member

    Clarification Please on DETC


    I agree. I completed a Masters in Organizational Management in April 2004 with UOP via online. During my 23 months pursuing the degree, I had ZERO problems with technical support. They always went above and beyond what was required.


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