Claremont International University claims RA equivalency

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by George Brown, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    This is too funny. Are you actually appealing to the AED spammer for some kind of moral support? :D

    Sure, Dennis, I’ll “lighten up.” Why don’t you explain to the members of this forum the circumstances that compelled your good friend and confidante Peter French to issue a very contrite and public apology concerning Dr. Hoyer and his (at the time) degree mills (IUFS, St Regis, ACU)?
  2. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    The spammer - something tells me he already knows.

    Hoyer/French thing - the threatened lawsuit or the break the knees version - I really don't know. I'll ask him sometime.
  3. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    I checked on aed and no spammer. What in hell is this world coming to?

    [email protected] New Member

    Anthony Pina wrote:

    >> Claremont University, is a highly respected and
    >> internationally recognized University."

    > In 4-16 months, Claremont has gained high respect and
    > international recognition...quite an accomplishment!
    >> [...] Graduates of Claremont University enjoy careers
    >> as teachers, counselors, scholarly researchers, and in other
    >> applied fields.

    > Really? All this in 4-16 months of existence? Wow! I do not
    > think that any other institution of higher learning in history has
    > accomplished so much in so little time!

    A Web page recently unearthed by George Brown says "Claremont welcomed its first students in March 2004"; so, somewhat more amazing.
  5. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Why is this amazing? For a degree mill, it is standard operating procedure that students be admitted in, say, March 2004, and by the first week of April 2004, their “degrees have been evaluated to be the equivalent of those issued by US Regionally Accredited degrees by several recognised US credential agencies.”

    Although I do not know yet for certain whether they employ her services, I believe Sheila’s credential evaluation entity is capable of providing this kind of rapid evaluation and testament to Claremont’s “high academic standards.”

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