Canadian without a gun...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Johann, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    My wife and I got ours years ago but never got the gun to carry! We did it for fun
  2. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    How do you know she didn't have a gun? The story doesn't say. Nor does the story say how likely the gun would have been used in self defense rather than in a fatal accident, suicide or homocide.

    My dad had plenty of guns, but that fact didn't stop him from being killed by someone else's. Why? A "responsible" gun owner keeps the gun locked away, were neither children can stumble upon it nor can an adult grab it when ambushed.

    Of course, EVERY gun owner is a "responsible" gun owner, until the day they are not. No true Scotsman, indeed.
  4. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    You are very fortunate. My state JUST passed a concealed carry bill a few weeks ago (yes, we were the LAST state to finally have some form of concealed carry).

    Since the State Police have 6 months until they are required to accept applications, and 90 days to approve and application, most estimates are that the first permits won't be issued until April of next year. However, I plan on being part of that first group that submits their forms and gets their CCW permits.

    I'm thinking of carrying a Ruger LC9 or a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield in 9mm. It will make a really cool pre-graduation present to myself.
  5. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    We intend to tote Glock 19's when possible. I have a drawer full though, kinda like picking a watch, wear something appropriate to your outfit and activities for the day. :)

    God bless America!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2013
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Like picking a watch - good one! :smile: Contrary to popular belief, legal handgun ownership is possible in Canada. But if you keep it in a drawer -- you can get booked for careless storage of a firearm. It has to be locked up - and kept in a locked case while you're on your way to your registered gun club - which is the only place you can fire it. You have to get there by the shortest route, non-stop. Don't stop on the way for a pack of gum - not allowed.

  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Well, pretty much. There are self-defence situations. If it's a burglary etc. you can to use force appropriate to the threat you face - knife, gun etc. If you're in the living room and you can't go to the kitchen to select a knife, etc. then I believe you could shoot a knife-wielding intruder. But don't plant one between his eyes. That's never appropriate! (Impolite in Canada! :smile: ) Shoot to disable or injure - that's the rule.

    There are some few exceptions to the equal-force doctrine: e.g. 100 lb. woman vs. 220-lb man, but AFAIK that's as far as it goes.

  8. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    Smells like freedom!

    So basically the OP is about a guy who had no real method to defend himself bragging about the outcome?

    I like Canadian Beer.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Right. We don't get to enjoy the arms-related freedoms of the US.

    It's sad, here. Our poor, unfortunate thugs have to buy their guns at full retail in the US and smuggle them in. Some also re-sell them, singly or in bulk to other criminals for 10 times what they paid the US retailer. Good racket, I guess -- until they get caught.

    Right again, in that Brian Hatch had no real way of defending himself. So instead, he ended up doing some good. Bragging about the outcome? Sure. But at least it's a happy one, and not all that frequent - anywhere. My take: a story with a happy ending. I'm pointing no fingers - in any direction.

    I used to. I never liked American beer. Aargh! For some years, I drank only German beer. Ja! Das Beste! (The best!) :smile: Then 8-9 years ago, I quit altogether. Giving up 2 German beers a day, I've saved enough for a reasonably-priced new car or a well-used Jag, and I'm closing in on the price of a DETC doctorate. That beer is expensive, here!

  10. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    I was quoting Kenny Powers...but thanks for pointing out how much we suck. Good news is we're still number one in confidence!
  11. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I won't start on the whole fast and furious debacle. It would demonstrate that some geographic locations the US will actually subsidize the purchase of your gun. :)

    Your story does have a happy ending, one I fully support...but I think it's a disingenuous story that compares apples to That a black youth in frozen Canada where you can't even have a handgun escaped to the kitchen of a nice suburban couple has nothing to do with a guy in a tropical climate getting his head bashed into the concrete and defending himself as is a basic human right.

    I met a few Canadians that described "coffee milk" to me....big thing where they lives (I forget where exactly), turns out I love it too. Basically half coffee half milk and comes sweetened and steaming hot. You guys have a right idea every now and then. Oh, and thanks for your help in WW1 and 2, used to be all of North America was full of freedom loving people willing to fight when it was good vs evil. Sadly much less true these days...hell, I don't even agree with popular definition of what evil is these days. But then again I'm OK being an outlier.
  12. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Or some other US freedoms. For instance, we have hate-speech laws that have some teeth in 'em, running contrary to your First Amendment rights. But if these laws protect people, I can live with them, happily. Our anti-hate provisions are far from perfect...but I like having them 'way better than having none.

  13. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    See this is where we have a fundamental difference of opinion. I value the rights and responsibilities of the individual over the collective. Your side is certainly on the upswing right now...a fact I lament as it means the passing of things I hold dear. You and I can share a beer or a coffee...but I wouldn't want you marrying my sister. ;)
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No, I agree it doesn't. Then again, I didn't bring up the head-bashing-concrete story.

  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Then you have absolutely nothing to worry about! :lol:

  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Censorship is more offensive than any hate speech from ignorant people could ever be.

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