Another Regis U (Denver) post

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by dachorn, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. mdg1775

    mdg1775 New Member

    Dachorn, Thanks for the words of encouragement! 3 Kids is a full time job...Full time Educational Program...and probably more of a joy than one can explain!!

    One thing I want to clear up: I don't have any resentment towards Regis! I think that they are a great school! I think that the fact that I encountered a BAD INSTRUCTOR and that I do have a "More than Full-Time Job" coupled with a big family made the endeavor of trying to attain a Regis Degree more than I could personally accomplish! I did receive a Graduate Education from a respectable school a little later and it got me accepted into several law schools so I guess I really don't have to look back except to say that I learned something...Every School is different and unique and different and you get out of a school what you put into it SO:

    Know what your Required to Do Before You leap into a D/L or B&M or Any School for that matter!!


    AA Burlington College, NJ
    MS Southwest MO St.
    JD (Chapman on hold briefly)
  2. dachorn

    dachorn Member

    I appreciate your honesty in replying to the post. Not everyone would admit they didn't have time to finish a graduate program at a certain school. Heck, I might have the same sentiments once I start graduate school! Besides, it shows your priorities are in the right place by thinking of your kids first. I'm sure you'll do just fine wherever you land.
  3. dachorn

    dachorn Member

    Here is another question for the Regis folks -
    did most of the courses utilize streaming video? I know they use this but I'm not sure to what extent.
  4. Mitchell

    Mitchell New Member

    It was not for any of my courses. I know different technologies are utilized depending on the course/degree program. I don't know about the MBA program though.
  5. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    All of the lecture for the MBA courses is on CD.

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