Accuser on Union Institute Locked Thread

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by uncle janko, Aug 28, 2004.

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    Guest Guest

    I have not followed this completely but here are my observations.

    Rev Rennee has had a couple of opportunites (this and another thread) to affirm that she does indeed have a Penn State PhD. This did not happen. Based on Rev Rennee's actions it appears on the surface that she does not have a Penn State PhD.

    Second, considering her extreme focus on Union and the fact that two of the posters here who have Union degrees are critical of mills (Levicoff & Douglas), this does make one wonder.

    I do not agree with Levicoff all the time nor Rich but they both have accredited PhD's. I do not care how they were worded. Heck, I know of schools that do not even put the major/focus/concentration on the degree. Who cares. They have Regionally Accredited doctrates...........period. Dr. Levicoff and Dr. Douglas do not even have to go around worry that someone will put quotes around "Dr." because they have legitmately accredited, recognized PhD's.

    Lastly, no one that I saw was making fun of Rev Rennee's religious persuasion. That is a Red Herring.

    Not quite last.....Rev Rennee, where did you earn your doctorate from? If you are proud of it then put the name of it up. Or if you run a seminary, since you are so eager to shed light on Union, maybe you could put the name of your seminary on this thread so your seminary could be examined.


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