Virginia University of Lynchburg Class of 2022

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Alpine, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

  2. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    A special congratulations to DI VUL Dragon graduates!
    felderga and LearningAddict like this.
  3. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    “Many earned Doctor of Healthcare Administration from around the country.”
    Suss, TEKMAN, felderga and 1 other person like this.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    3 semesters seem too short for a Doctorate, isn't it? But congrats all DL who earns VUL's degree.
  5. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    I thought the same thing but after reviewing the admission requirements, I believe it falls in line with other “professional” doctorates. The program is 36 credits for those that hold two master degrees or a doctorate. The program requires a total of 90 graduate credits to obtain a doctorate. It was mentioned earlier that this is a Virginia State educational requirement. For those that come up short of the 90, the program allows for continued studies earning credits through internships. It appears most students in the initial enrollment were able to complete the program in three semesters because of their previous graduate education. The news reporter calls it a “3 semester doctorate” but obviously left out the nitty gritty.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2022
    felderga and Dustin like this.
  6. felderga

    felderga Active Member

    It's been over 9 months since I finished and reflecting back there are some things I hope to see get changed going forward. Yes, I would love it if they added another semester and made it a 45-unit program. I would guess that while half of the cohort like myself either had 2 masters and/or extra units to cover the 90 units there were many that were scrambling to complete the externship. Since I didn't have to do it I will not comment at this time but I'm thinking another 9 units would have made it less stressful for many. On the topic of additional units, I think the program would also greatly benefit by adding additional coursework in the areas of health policy, information technology, and financial management as this would better align the program with competencies required by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) and the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). I know VUL was working towards offering a true organizational or strategic leadership doctorate program that was going to be around 45-54 units to complete (not sure if it still undergoing the approval process with TRACS). I'm hoping if this program happens many non-healthcare folks who were in the DHA program will opt for the new leadership doctorate program instead. Wish I could have attended the graduation as I would have loved to connect with the many classmates that I interfaced with throughout the program.
    ciha and Alpine like this.
  7. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    I would suggest a “Gap analysis” for applicants that takes into consideration one’s previous graduate coursework and/or experience. I entered with a masters in business and a masters in nursing that covered some of the mentioned competencies. Others held an MHA which was a natural fit for progression to the DHA. Then of course, there were students from numerous other disciplines like counseling. law and medicine. I like the “gap analysis” concept where one can either satisfy an area of study through coursework at the school or transfer it in when completed elsewhere. I’m delighted to see the program improve with the addition of an IRB.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    felderga likes this.
  8. felderga

    felderga Active Member

    Great suggestion on a gap analysis as I think the program doesn't really weed out applicants. I don't think VUL has the resources to offer elective coursework so either it has to be baked into the program or an agreement with another university is needed to assist with added coursework. Honestly for me having already a data analytics and revenue cycle background and completing health policy graduate coursework in my studies at Univ of Minnesota is probably more knowledge than what VUL could offer. Nonetheless, as you mentioned there are many who come into the program outside of the health domain again I think would benefit from the additional coursework. It's great to see so many get an opportunity at a doctorate program (especially from an HBCU) however I just don't want it to be viewed as an easy ride or a money maker for the school as having a solid program will instead help the school's reputation grow long term.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
    MasterChief, ciha and Alpine like this.

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