Good morning folks. I am curious to get feed back on what people think the utility will be of my MS in HRM that I plan to start in May next year. I decided to go the specialized MS route instead of an MBA simply because I want my learnings to be more directed at HRM. However, I would very much like to know what others think of this decision and if it is a degree that will be useful in years to come once I am no longer in the military. It will be an MS from Alabama's Troy University via distance learning (eTroy program). I also plan to pursue, with the remainder of my Post 911 GI Bill) an Advanced Grad Cert in Project Management or Organizational Management (no idea as to what school I will choose for that as of yet). Any input is greatly appreciated. Do not worry I have thick skin so you will not offend me by calling the school trash if that is what you think of Troy. I have my own reasons for attending this school.:banana::banana::banana:
Are you interested in making your post-military career in Human Resources? If so, I'd say it's a good choice. If not, I don't think I'd pursue it. A masters in HRM is very specialized, an MBA is a generalist degree. If a career in HRM isn't what you aspire to, I would concentrate on the MBA.
Troy is by no means a trash school. It has been in existence for over 125 years, and started as a state teacher's college. It has a long association with the Military as well, having on ground representation at numerous military installations. "The decade of the 1950s also marked the University’s long relationship with the United States Military, as extension courses were offered on nearby bases, first at Fort Rucker, near Dothan, and later at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery. A separate Troy State College teaching center was established at Fort Rucker in 1961, which evolved into the present-day Dothan Campus. A similar center, begun at Maxwell Air Force Base in 1965, led to the creation of the present-day Montgomery Campus. These programs were the forerunners of the modern TROY Global Campus division of Troy University, which operates all TROY teaching sites outside of Alabama. In 1973, the University opened sites at military bases in Florida. Today, TROY Global Campus operates more than 60 sites in 17 U.S. states and 11 nations." Troy University - The History of Troy University I have not seen any negative press about Troy at all. PS - my BIL has an HRM Masters from Teacher's College (Columbia) and has had no trouble finding HR positions at decent universities.
Yes I do plan to pursue a career in the Human Resources field after I get out of the military. Thank you for your input/opinion. Thanks for the input I have had a few people that were very against their programs. It is a normal occurrence though that the unhappy customers will be the loudest and most communicative. I just can't wait to get started. I take my GRE on 12 Jan and finish my BA shortly after. Can't wait till May to start my MS.
Say what they will about Troy; just because Troy is ubiquitous, it does not mean that it is necessarily bad. I put Troy on a par with Central Michigan, Florida Tech and Golden Gate Universities, which are bricks and mortar schools that also have military extension locations. Troy and CMU and public, while FIT and GGU are for-profit. (BTW, I have no financial or personal stake in Troy. I just know about them). Just check out the list of notable alumni: List of Troy University alumni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Good luck to you in your coming studies.
All, I had to take a moment and ask a question: When did Florida Tech become "for profit"? I attended the ground campus from 1993-1998 and I can assure you it was a small, private college. They have always made great strides in serving the military (I was an ROTC grad), but I'd stop short of saying that this qualifies them to be classifed as a "for profit" school. May I ask...where did you find that nugget of information? Thanks,
...mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! I misspoke. With all of the talk about public vs for profit, I forgot about the private category, which does not come up much. Considering that I am a product of private education (and graduated from Florida Tech), that is indeed a big boo-boo!
He he, no harm done, FIT is a nice little school in Florida. They are in the same athletic conference, The Sunshine State Conference, as my undergrad alma mater. Also, Florida Tech added football to its athletic program :arms:
If you want to work in HR, you should be an active member in the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Back when I was a member 10+ years ago, I asked this very same question. The overwhelming majority said you a better off doing an MBA. One of the criticisms people have against HR is they don't understand the other aspects of business. An MBA would make you look more versitle, and give you options should you not want to work in HR one day. I think this is especially true if your undergrad is already in HR. I also attended one of their conferences in Orlando, and every hiring person in HR I interviewed pretty much said the same thing. Another thing, you should pursue the PHR or SPHR certification. Most employees would hire a bachelors with a PHR over someone with a masters without the PHR. That was my experience. You should probably ask this question on the SHRM board. As I said, this was the feeling 10+ years ago, so the opinions might have changed since then. I doubt it though.