Too many people with online DBAs and PhDs?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by RFValve, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    IMO, your assessment is incorrect.

    The proliferation of degrees does not necessarily increase acceptance. If anything, it makes the more "elite" degrees more valuable.

    We have a model of this with degree inflation in the U.S. in the past century.

    When few people graduated from high school, a high school diploma was a ticket to a comfortable living. Soon, the proliferation of high school graduates made the acquisition of a bachelor's degree required. Now we are seeing a shift toward Master's degrees. I hope this stops soon because I really don't want to pursue a PhD just to work a job that doesn't really require that level of knowledge.

    The fact of the matter is that there will always be a place for elite institutions. No for-profit will ever be viewed as being equivalent to an Ivy League university.

    When everyone has a doctorate, then prestige of the institution plays a greater role (plus publications, etc.).
  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I saw a lot of people with U of P degrees working at a retail jobs. I saw a guy with his BS, MS and PhD from U of P; he was a shift leader at a movie store. I’m sorry if any of you people have degrees for U of P, but that’s one degree I would never list. I think it would hurt you more than help.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I have to say that I did remove my AA from UoP from my CV. I didn't think it added anything to my credentials for two reasons - (1) it is an AA and (2) it is from UoP and I would not want my other degrees to be questioned/tainted when they see UoP.
  4. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I also saw few people UoP doctorates doing jobs that do not require a doctorate. The doctorate degree at UoP costs a small fortune, I hope this thread opens the eyes of few people planning to spend the 40 to 50k for an online doctorate that might just be a expensive piece of paper.
  5. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I do have to wonder what some expect the ROI to be on a Walden, Capella, Argosy, or UoP doctorate? I did not list TUI and NCU because they are quite a bit cheaper but let's throw them in too. If you pay $50-$70K for a doctorate, what will you do with it and do you plan to recoop the money? I think this question goes out the window when someone else pays (like in my case with tuition assistance money). I do wonder - would you (general you not specific you) have gone for a doctorate if you had to pay out of pocket? I know I would not have.
  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I don't think this will happen. My guess is that when all these people that paid the 40 to 60K for online doctorates realize that their education is not really leading to anything, they will tell others about their experience and prospect doctoral students will just stop taking this type of programs. I really don't see this type of programs becoming popular in the future but again I might be wrong and will become the minimum requirement to become a shift leader at Blockbuster.
  7. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    I wouldn't do a for-profit doctorate if it were free. It just doesn't have the utility of traditional doctorates. I know that the programs are rigorous and require serious academic contributions, but my personal preference is not to work that hard for something that won't get me much.

    I would, however, consider a doctoral program from a non-profit university. I currently have an application in process for an EdD program in Higher Education at the local state university, but even for this degree I wonder about the utility. I'm leaning against it for right now, and it is less than half the cost of for-profit doctorates.
  8. EllisZ

    EllisZ Member

    Interesting to be on the cusp of new educational delivery methods, isn't it? We've all been there over the past decade or so. We've seen acceptance (or lack of) for RA undergrad programs, and the subsequent changes in attitude. We've seen the outright rejection of many B&M institutions of online programs, and the subsequent rolling out of their own online offerings. Now we are seeing the same thing at the doctoral level.

    I don't know how this will play out. I'd like to think that history will be our guide.
  9. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    B&M schools may start offering online doctoral degrees because they are cash cows. Online degrees are almost never funded, so it's a way to get some serious revenue.

    The problem comes with the utility of the degree. The online model does not work as well for preparation for tenure-track faculty. There are a limited number of faculty positions, and we have more than enough traditionally-prepared doctors. It works well for practitioners, and (IMO) this is why we see the proliferation of EdD programs.
  10. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I can never understand why most people just assume the outcome a doctorate student looks for is a tenure-track position. That never crossed my mind. If that is what I would want, I would be taking a different path.
  11. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    The research doctorate is primarily designed for this purpose. Someone can pursue the degree for another reason, but the general purpose for a research doctorate is to produce researchers and faculty.

    Sure, one can pursue any degree for an alternative purpose, but that does not negate the general purpose of the degree. (E.g., one can go to law school but not intend to practice as a lawyer)
  12. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    The reality is that people are paying small fortune for this type of degrees. If people are not using them for faculty positions or high level positions. What is the primary motivation for the online doctorate? If self improvement is the primary goal, wouldn't a DETC or even a state approved doctorate achieve the same thing but at much lower cost?
  13. mark74

    mark74 New Member

    Tuition assistance is an interesting point. I wonder what % of online (and also for profit) Ph.D. students are receiving tuition reimbursement?

    I doubt I would be getting a masters degree that will cost about 30K without educational reimbursement from my employer either.
  14. zanger

    zanger member

    Of course. A lot of people get doctorates for vanity. The accredited schools like Florida State got caught (again) granting degrees to students with a 59 IQ that did no academic work. Basketball is the main focus. The accreditors are just a trade organization. Lets go by licensing like in other countries.
  15. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Ph.D for Vanity's Sake

    Let's face it. If someone wants a Ph.D just for the sake of having a Ph.D, then that person has a serious inferiority complex. If you need the title of Doctor to feel good about yourself, then something major is missing from your life.
  16. scubasteveiu

    scubasteveiu New Member

    I hope for the same. This does bring up a good question (to me anyway). How much is too much?


  17. scubasteveiu

    scubasteveiu New Member

    I am thinking about removing my UoP MBA from my CV. While I learned a bit, it doesn't add anything to me CV at all.

  18. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Do you have another MBA? Sucks about U of P, sorry:( How much did that run you?
  19. StefanM

    StefanM New Member

    For a for-profit's doctorate? A dollar.

    Is it unfair that the doctorates are not respected? I think so.

    Is it reality? Yes.
  20. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I don't think there is a number to hang on it but whatever it is worth to you. How about anything over the expected financial ROI + the value of a achievement you place on it? That is how much is too much.

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