Residency applications down in woman killer states

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by sanantone, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    In some places the view is that satan or Baal goes after children. Child sacrifice was part of his deal. Children were sacrificed to a god called Molech.

    But in the US we have seperation between the State and Church.

    The debate here is moral; is abortion a murder?
    When is the fetus is a human being?
    The SCOTUS sent it to the states.
    States get to decide when, who, what and how.
  3. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Some of our founding fathers were deists. Various individuals and factions of Jews and Christians don't even agree on when an embryo becomes life. If you don't believe in abortion, then don't get one. We have scientifically illiterate people in state legislatures and attorney general offices trying to dictate when an abortion is medically necessary.

    There was human sacrifice, many genocides, and the call for child murder in the Old Testament. It's hardly a handbook on morality. The god El that Israelites worshipped was a god from a polytheistic Canaanite religion because...drumroll...the Israelites were Canaanites.

    In the states, they also decided that chattel slavery should stay legal, Black people should be denied the right to vote, White people shouldn't be prosecuted for lynching, certain criminal laws should only apply to Black people (the black codes) so that they can have plenty of free labor among inmates, and that Jim Crow laws should be implemented. The states have been far more oppressive than the federal government.
  4. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I'm not a theologian but there is a misconception of Canaanite El, a name of god vs Israelite El a title - God that has a name. As revealed the name is YHWH.
    So El=God and His name is YHWH,
    They are different and Canaanite EL is considered a false, foreign god.

    In Judaism, human sacrifice in any form or shape is forbidden.
    And Murder is forbidden.
    When in doubt if the action is murder one has to choose life.
    Murder in Judaism is different from killing an enemy at war time etc.
    The commandment is Thy Shall Not Murder.
    It's complicated.
    INTJ likes this.
  5. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Yahweh is also believed to have been a god within a polytheistic religion. The general consensus is that Israelites, who were a subgroup of Canaanites, went from being polytheistic to henotheistic to monotheistic. Israelites started with worshipping El, and then El got conflated with Yahweh. Eventually, the Israelites switched to only worshipping Yahweh. El wouldn't have been foreign because they were Canaanites who invented an exodus story that even many Christian apologists are admitting was likely exaggerated or totally fabricated.

    Current Christian apologists are giving so much ground that the historicity of Christianity is falling apart. I've never been a part of the Jewish community, so I don't if they're struggling with these findings. I just know that the Jewish academics I listen to have been more open and honest about the Tanakh being filled with myths and legends, and they see Judaism as having more cultural and philosophical importance.

    Slaughtering all women and children is not war; it's genocide.

    The point is that a democracy should not be governed on religious beliefs that are man made and erroneous, especially when people within the same religion can't agree on things.
  6. Suss

    Suss Active Member

    In some of those states, the scientifically illiterate legislators are no better than the Taliban, the same ones who blew up the thousand-plus-year-old statues of the Bamiyan Buddhas because they couldn't stand looking at such evil, un-Islamic things anymore. As they grow desperate and angry, I would not be surprised if they began actively destroying infrastructure related to science, reason, and education.
    sanantone and Bill Huffman like this.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Where have you been? This has already been happening to public higher education in red states for years now.
    Suss likes this.
  8. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    The head of education in Oklahoma is requiring Bibles in every school. Coincidentally, his requirements for having the Constitution and other things included in the Bibles made the expensive Trump Bibles the only ones that met the requirements. After the state government began to question the legality of this, he changed his requirements allowing competing Bible makers to just create a bundle of federal government documents and the Bible.

    I think it's Louisiana that's requiring the Ten Commandments to be posted in every classroom. Even Christian Louisianans are upset by this because this violates the separation of church and state.

    In Florida, they want to allow chaplains or spiritual counselors to make up for the shortage of school counselors. The Satanic Temple, which doesn't believe Satan exists, volunteered to be chaplains. This caused Florida to pause its chaplain program. LMAO! I love it.
    Suss likes this.
  9. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Donnie Swaggart, the son of prostitute-loving Jimmy Swaggart, rebuked the Black church for endorsing Kamala Harris. He says that endorsing Harris is endorsing homosexuality, transgenderism, and murder.

    Obviously, these are the things Donnie Swaggart thinks are Christian.

    Being a white supremacist and eugenicist.

    Making fun of people with disabilities and suggesting that they should be euthanized.

    Praising your cult for trying to overthrow the government.

    Getting married three times and cheating on all three of your wives.

    Impregnating your mistress and pressuring her to get an abortion.

    Bragging about walking into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA contestants while they're dressing.

    Withholding aid from disaster areas because they didn't vote for you.

    Grabbing women by their genitalia without their permission.

    Wanting to have sex with your own daughter.

    Lying to the American public about a deadly virus and sending our supplies to an adversary.

    Beating up and raping your first wife.

    Idolizing Adolf Hitler.

    Being a convicted white collar criminal.

    Running a fraudulent school and being sued thousands of times because you keep ripping people off.

    Being a "billionaire" who is trying to profit off of selling expensive Bibles while not even knowing what's in the Bible.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  10. Suss

    Suss Active Member

    I meant the literal, physical infrastructure. As in carrying out implosions of public school buildings as "temples of Satan," leaving the rubble lying on the ground as a reminder to everyone.

    The ruin of elementary and secondary public schools' purpose, starving them of funds that are directed toward religious "academies" has been underway for some time now, and helps explain to some degree why there are so many low information voters in red states.
  11. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    The Israelites were not Canaanites. In the Torah, Yahweh reckons nationality by the father. The Israelites did have some Canaanite heritage through Israelite men like Judah, for example, taking Canaanite women as wives. However, their offspring were reckoned as Israelite.

    Canaanites are (because they still exist under other names) Hamites, the descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. The patriarch Abraham was Shemitic/Semitic through his forefather Peleg, the son of Eber, who was the great-grandson of Shem. Also, the word Hebrew stems from the name of the patriarch Eber... and the Israelites took their name from their patriarch Yakob/Jacob whose name was divinely changed to Israel.

    Having some Canaanite DNA doesn't mean one is Canaanite. Just like me having some Moroccan/Magreb Jewish, Ethiopian Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish DNA and a maternal haplotype that is shared by many Eastern European Jews doesn't make me Moroccan, Ethiopian, European, or Jewish. (BTW, I wrote in another thread that my DNA testing turned up some really interesting stuff, and this isn't all of it.)
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    This isn't based on DNA testing. I'm not even sure that a DNA test can pinpoint Canaanite descendants thousands of years later because many ethnic groups have since intermixed in the Middle East. Israelites being a nation of Canaanites comes from archeologists and historical critical biblical scholars.

    It's believed that the Israelites invented a history to distinguish themselves from everyone else, but there's no evidence of a mass exodus from Egypt. There's hardly any Egyptian culture found within Israelite culture. There's almost a total overlap between Canaanites and Israelites. Hebrew belongs to the Canaanite branch of the Semitic language family. So, even linguists have made the determination that Hebrews were Canaanites.
  13. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    My answer was based on what the Torah/Old Testament says, not DNA. The DNA stuff was just an example I was using to illustrate my point. I'm aware that some archaeologists and bible scholars who are unbelievers don't think that the exodus happened, but I believe it did and I've seen at least one scholarly documentary that made an excellent argument that the timeline the scholars are using was incorrect. Also, there are some current ethnic groups that trace their origins to the original Canaanites. There's a lot on this topic that isn't appropriate to discuss on this forum, so I can't go into it.
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    For those who used to go to the book store, there is a section called speculation.
    A lot of emerging scholarly, sells books.
    The Minimalists wrestle with Maximalists over the truth and their interpretation of archeological findings, infused with politics.
    For a while I was told that I'm not really a Jew but a Khazar :), they even had some professors, including in Israel, produce DNA evidence :).
    Then later came real DNA testing, and refuted the whole Khazar thing that now the enemies of Israel were holding as best evidence to delegitimize the Jewish state.
    Now the new fashion that will surely pass, but not after selling some good books, is to delegitimize the God of the Bible, the OT. etc.
    There was a craze in the 90s with the EJDP that since was proven wrong.
    And so it goes.

    And yes, my ancestors are Anunaki, they came from planet X, the 12 planet Niburu, ;-)
    And now we are in the Matrix, sweet dreams, it's all a Truman Show :).
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    When your position is faith-based despite actual evidence to the contrary, then I suppose that's that.
  16. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Most historical critical biblical scholars are practicing Christians. The consensus among them is that the exodus did not happen. At mainline seminaries, Catholic universities, and even some moderate evangelical seminaries, the historical critical method is what is taught. More conservative seminaries focus on apologetics, which is just confirmation bias.

    Archaeologists and linguists are a neutral group, and this is their area of specialization. Your average theologian is not trained to be an expert in archaeology, cultural anthropology, or history.
    INTJ likes this.
  17. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    There was a debate over the origins of Ashkenazi Jews. DNA testing shows that most Ashkenazi Jews have a maternal line that comes from Europe and a paternal line that comes from the Middle East. Since Jews are a matrilineal group, it's theorized that Jewish men married European converts to Judaism.

    This AI correction software is driving me crazy.
  18. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    There is actual proof for the Exodus happening, just not when they think it did. This documentary makes a good argument for it happening at a different time. Also, there's a documentary about the true location of Mt. Sinai that's eye-opening. Anyway, I don't have blind faith and Yahweh doesn't require that. But, I do believe what the bible and some other books, like the book of Jubilees, says about the history. And I believe that just because some things haven't been proven yet doesn't mean that they don't exist or didn't happen.

    This is a trailer for the documentary Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus.

  19. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    If I can find it for free, then I'll give it a watch. Although, if they're using the Hyksos theory, then that doesn't really solve the mystery. The Hyksos were Canaanites who ruled Egypt. Knowing that Kevin Sorbo was involved and that the film starts with attacking atheists lets me know that this is an apologetics film.

    The film appears to be based on a David Rohl theory. David Rohl is an Egyptologist who has proposed a new chronology for Egyptian history, but his theory has not been adopted by most Egyptologists, and radiocarbon dating doesn't support his chronology. Rohl's theory isn't new, and Baruch Halpern wrote a book that addressed the issues with redating the Exodus.
  20. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

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