I figure maybe you can ask at a local Florida pet shop, or maybe someone will know of a crick/stream that houses these voraciouas algae eaters. See link: Algae Eating Adult American Flag Fish I have found a few places, but they want an astronomical price for shipping, more tha what the fish are worth. Most places charge 5-8 dollars for standard fish/es. Amnyway, if you could ask around for me, I would really appreciate it. Abmner :smile:
Thanks man! I can find them on oline but they want t0 charge me $35-$40 in shipping fees, and that is on top of pay the money for the 7 or 8 fish (they don't take up muh room). I would be more than willing to order to some American Flag fish from a pet shop, as long as it required reasonable $5-=$10 shipping fees for most fish. For some reason, this particular fish costs a lot to ship, and I have checked several places in Florida. Too bad someone does not have a crick near them that had some in itl Thanks! Abner
I found a store near me that has them for $1.59. They call them Florida Flag Fish and I asked about shipping. They said to call Friday and speak to the manager. I will PM you the info-
Awesom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I can work out a reasonable shipping price, I will order several. Thanks a lot! That made my day. Abner :smile:
Will do. I have been experimenting with the natural balancing of a pond for years. Water plants, along with large Japanese snails, and large fresh water clams have made my pond water almost perfect. My inclusion of the flag fish will do wonders I think because they mainly eat any and all sorts of algae. They are basically live algae eating machines. Can't wait to get some! Take it easy, Abner :smile:
Hey Michael, Long time no hear. Yeah, they should be fine. Gold fish are sturdy fish, I would probably keep the Flags with medium to large goldfish just in case. Have a good one! Abner :smile: