I'm taking courses for a certificate from Coursera. Courses from American Psychological Association. First two were a piece of cake but third one"Mood Disorders: Depression and Bipolar Disorder" is far more difficult.
I have done many Coursera Paycholgy courses. I also did the specializations in Foundations of Positive Psychology. Psychology Research , and the Specialization you are currently doing. Psychology of Anxiety, Mood, Substance Use, and Addictive Behaviors Specialization. In the Research Specialization I found the Statistics course very hard-fortunately they give you alot attempts to uncerstand the info. I fnd these Courera courses vey good and from top notch universites and Organiations. Some Veterans can get them and certificates for free.
After completing all three of those courses, what is the end certificate you will receive? Are there any university partners listed on the certificate?
The certificate lists the name of university or organization teaching the program and the name of the instructor The specializations list the university, the name of the courses in the specialty and all teachers in the prrogam and a description of the course. For example in the Foundations Of Positive Psychology specialization it reads: University of Pennsylvania (and University logo) Feb 23, 2022 Name of student has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Foundations of Positive Psychology The University of Pennsylvania recognizes that this learner successfully completed all five courses in the Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization demonstrating their understanding of the scientific and historical foundations of Positive Psychology and the key research findings that help people to flourish through exercises designed to increase well-being, grit and resilience in their own lives. The online courses named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but it is not equivalent to an on-campus course. Participation in this online course does not constitute enrollment at the University of Pennsylvania. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the identity of the learner. The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught taught on-campus, but it is not equivalent to an on-campus course. Participation in this online course does not constitute enrollment at the University of Pennsylvania. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the identity of the learner. The Instructors and courses are listed . 5 Courses Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Wellbeing Instructors: (Big names in paychology) Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D. James Pawelski, Ph.D. Claire Robertson-Kraft, Ph.D. Angela Duckworth, Ph.D. Karen Reivich, Ph.D. and a place to verify the certificate Verify this certificate at: coursera.org/verify/specialization/CYU5UU7MBU8N The individual course certicates are briefer: No course description -has the school name, name of course, date and says the student has completed the course with the signature of the teacher and verification link.
I'm the OP of this thread. I completed the concentration: Psychology of Anxiety, Mood, Substance Abuse, and Addictive Behavior which is composed of three courses. In my opinion, the courses were well-organized and current with the literature. The courses had periodic reviews and short exams on route that were helpful. There were addition resources one could access if one doesn't pass the short exams but I cannot speak to them because I had no need to use them. Some of the statistics cited however were not-credible, even absurd, For example, it was claimed that 43% of college students engage in Non-Suicidal Self Harm, which most often takes the form of "cutting" for females and "hand banging" among male. I taught college, from community college, large state university, and small liberal arts college for over 30 years and I know this is a gross overstatement. The source cited on Coursera was a secondary source, meaning NOT the article that conducted the research. And apparently, there was only ONE STUDY that provided this alarming statistic. This is not responsible teaching. I did not bother to pay to get the certificate. I had a free trial Coursera PLUS account, but no certificates would be issued until I paid for the first month $50. Obviously, it would require little effort to devise my own certificates. If original certificates are important, I suggest that one ALMOST complete several courses, pay a monthly subscription fee, then complete all the courses THAT MONTH you have paid for and reap all the certificates. I wouldn't consider this unfair because the price for the certificates is not reasonable. Interestingly, I've already had occasion to use what I learned. I started reading a biography of the famed WWII war correspondent Ernie Pyle, The Soldier's Truth: Ernie Pyle and the Story of World War I (which BTW is excellent). Pyle obviously had a depressive disorder and his wife was bipolar with alcohol addiction and my Coursera training made the biography much more revealing.
I cannot find anyway to edit my previous post. So I am correcting it here. The rate of NSSH for college students cited in the coure was 39 percent. The following should be ignored in that post. The information was incorrect. "The source cited on Coursera was a secondary source, meaning NOT the article that conducted the research. And apparently, there was only ONE STUDY that provided this alarming statistic. This is not responsible teaching."