I'm curious about how many members of this forum are MAC users Vs. PC users. Those of us who are MAC people are very passionate about the cult of the MAC. If you are a MAC user, what type of MAC are you using? Myself, I access this forum with my old (3rd generation) i-MAC and a newer i-Book.
Where’s the button for the Commodore 64? Sadly, I no longer have mine, but I do still have my Adam… daisy wheel printer, dual tape drives, 80K memory, and a lightning fast 300 baud modem. Gosh, those were the days. I’m a PC guy (that’s personal computer, not politically correct), but I’ll have to admit that at one time we had a Mac in our lab running one of our HPLC set-ups (high performance liquid chromatography)… and it wasn’t bad. Cheers, Tony
I used to love my Commodore 64 too - great computer for its day. Sometimes it got referred to disparagingly as the "Commode Door 64", but hey - it still beat the early Apple hands down, and was certainly a better choice than the Trash 80s at the time.
In 1984, I was on a national book tour for my first computer book.* The first interview question was always, "And what do you use?" My answer then was "Epson QX-10 with ValDocs," which was a remarkably advanced machine for its time. In mid-tour, I got a call from an Apple VP who said, "I saw you on the TV, talking about your QX-10. If we were to send you one of our new little Macintosh computers, would you give it a try?" It was waiting when I finally got home -- 23 cities in 28 days -- and I've never felt the need to change brands. Currently an eMac and an iBook, and an iMac for my wife. But that QX-10 was quite a machine -- as was the Epson laptop I carried in the mid 80s -- still the only laptop I've seen that had a built-in printer -- only on wide adding machine tape, but boy was that convenient. I think if Epson-USA hadn't been all caught up in Scientology at the time, they coulda been a contender. _____ * "Computer Wimp: 166 things I wish I had known before I bought my first computer."
Looking at the two active polls. I find it interesting that apparently Mac users are a smaller minority than gays.
Facinating! It must be fun finding software. I'm no geek but if I'm not mistaken, MAC OS X is based on the unix system.
The eMAC is a great machine for the price. What impresses me most about the eMAC is the incredible quality of sound it puts out.
MAC For a long time I used an SE/30, which is still my favorite computer. It seemed to be a perfect balance of technical capacity with simple usability. Oddly it seems the more my computer can do the less work I do! I simply got more work done on the SE than on any other computer. Everything I do today except internet could still be done perfectly well on an SE/30. Today I use a G-3 Tower at home and an older beige G-3 at work. My internet computer is a PC running Linux. I still use system 9 but guess I should buy X. But I really liked the old self contained Macs running system 7.
Re: MAC Craig, I have bee considering downloadingthe Linux OS. How do you like it compared to Microsoft OS?
Jimmy: I dislike windows, so I may not be the one to ask. I don't use any microsoft products. I would not download Linux however, but would buy it--it is really cheap and it is better to have the media. I use Suse Linux. I don't really like it all that much but it seems far less vulnerable to internet junk than windows. I almost never get pop ups for instance. I need a better PC to really run it well. No matter what the technical specifications say Linux runs best on at least a P3 with 128 Megs of ram. A good video card helps too. Try to avoid esoteric hardware; there are drivers for all the common stuff. I am getting a Mac G-4 tower with a lot of Ram (very cheap) to run system X (I am afraid X is going to be very Linux like) for internet and goodbye linux. Blessings