New Program Begins Tomorrow

Discussion in 'Military-related education topics' started by Charles Fout, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    I am recommencing my professional life. I have been completely retired for over a year now. My maintenance chemo for my Glioblastoma Multiforme often leaves me exhausted. Next month, I will be a five-year survivor. Amazing medical team, amazing support from my wife, family, friends, and the world-wide Judo/grappling community, prayer, and the Grace of God have made me an outlier living with brain cancer. I get miracles every day. My neurosurgeon and my oncologist call me the 'poster child for the Standard of Care' I feel I have an obligation to get out there and shout about overcoming life's challenges. I don't want to sit inside these four walls anymore. Just in time, an amazing opportunity came knocking. I am so grateful for my miracles. I get way more than my fair share. Updates to follow
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    That's great! Look forward to hearing more!
  3. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    Thank you, Steve. This is the program
    I will work on SPHR Certification as,HRM was one of my Navy and federal government specialties. IVMF appears to be a wonderful opportunity. I'm so eager to begin tomorrow.
    Dustin and SteveFoerster like this.
  4. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    I'm rapidly moving through the course work. I expect to take a practice exam soon. Other than my inconsistent Wi Fi, I am enjoying the program.
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  5. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    My course work, which consists of SkillSoft LMS slides is virtually complete. I've attempted a couple of full-length practice exams. IVMF includes resume review and career coaching/mentoring. It really seems to good to be real. The program is grant funded. There is no cost to the military member/veteran or spouse. GI Bill is not used at all. I encourage active duty members approaching separation and Honorably separated veterans to give it a look. Many military spouses are in my cohort.
    Updates as I near taking me actual SPHR Certification Exam.
  6. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    Way to go Charles! I am close to my three year anniversary of being diagnosed with colon cancer... which led to my total retirement. It's really nice to see fellow survivors and brother (and sister of course) veterans move on with life and tackle new adventures! I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers!
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  7. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    Bruce, Brother, you and yours are in my prayers. I'm truly riding a wave of miracles, which I attribute to prayer more than anything.
    SteveFoerster and BruceP like this.
  8. SpoonyNix

    SpoonyNix Active Member

    Great to hear you've battled through so much and are back out helping others.
    SteveFoerster and Charles Fout like this.
  9. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

  10. Charles Fout

    Charles Fout Active Member

    Life is good on this Gaudett Sunday. Speeding towards SPHR Exam. IVMF program includes amazing coaching and mentoring via Hiring Heroes. Many updates to follow.
    Dustin, SteveFoerster and BruceP like this.

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