Hi, My very sincere apologies for reviving a somewhat old and dusty thread. I am however new to this forum and could really do with some solid advise. I am a South African based and recent MBA graduate looking to pursue an MSc in Finance. I have approximately 8 years of experience in trade and investment promotion/development. I am optimistic that an MSc in Finance would allow easy entry into a development finance institution and maybe even investment banking (I hope). I have identified the following schools and would like to hear your comments and opinions on which programme/school would be the best with regards to cost, relevance, reputation and career prospects: 1) University of Leicester - MSc Finance 2) University of Liverpool - MSc Corporate Finance (Approx $7000 > other schools) 3) Robert Gordon University - MSc Financial Management 4) Harriot Watt EBS - MSc Financial Management Your comments, opinions and advice will be most appreciated.
I am a student in the Leicester MSc Finance program. It's fine if you need a grad finance degree to show you have one, but if you want something oriented more towards the sort of analysis you will have to do as an investment banker, I would suggest looking at the University of Reading's programs. I'd also look at the University of London's grad finance programs before any of the ones you listed above. If cost is the primary criterion, Leicester is your best bet. One other thing, there is a lot more to getting into investment banking than the specific degree you obtain- networking is much more important, and secondarily, perhaps foreign language skills. In your case, I doubt you need another masters degree- perhaps a grad certificate would be enough if you need additional academic credentials. IB is difficult to get into, so someone in your situation really needs to focus on networking.
Thank you very much for your advice and comments. I looked at Uni of London but was put off by the levelof difficulty and low pass rates (opinions on this forum).Can you reccomend a good graduate certificate in finance which i can do online?
Go ahead and cross off Heriot-Watt then. Pass rates for the Finance course in particular can be quite low. What everyone in IB tells me, you have to network, network, network. A full-time on campus program from a top school like LBS would be the best way to go.
My first post with regards to IB may be a bit misleading. In this regard, I am not particularly hell bent on getting into or using a finance qualification to enter the IB industry. What I’m looking for is a good distance learning finance degree at Masters level. Obviously the qualification should lead to better prospects in my current profession (Investment promotion/economic development). If the programme leads to opportunities within the IB industry it would be nothing but a cherry on the top. I read that Robert Gordon University, although not very well ranked, offers a good education. Any thoughts on this? Furthermore, just how difficult can the Uni of London be? I’m sure it’s achievable.
I am going to try to explain, as briefly as I can, and hopefully you will be able to draw the link between the two. The part of ED that I am involved in has to do with identifying, packaging and facilitating finance for industrial investment opportunities. This requires a very good background and know-how in marketing, finance, technology and management. At some point in time, these businesses expand and some of them go the IPO route. Others get acquired or merge. In this situation, our offices act as advisors (to a certain extent) and assist with valuations, etc. I am of the opinion (and I could be very wrong) that IBs require very similar skills and know-how. Nevertheless, I would like to be more involved in the expansion/M&A phase and a specialized degree in finance would see me get there in a more senior role. I would like to hear your suggestions and look forward to your advise as you seem to be very knowledgeable.
Sounds like private equity advisory to me and you are correct that there is a significant overlap in skills between PE and IB. You already have an MBA and also work experience in this field, no? I don't see why you need a finance degree in addition- or do the firms you want to work for demand an MSc in Finance? I work for a private equity advisory firm and there really is no substitute for experience and contacts. That said, look at the the UK's University of Reading's finance programs.
Hey Imraan_B Try Executive Certificate in Global Finance - Thunderbird School of Global Management I am planning to apply there soon... since you are already an MBA, i dont think you should do another Masters and all...plus again the academic stuff like thesis etc can get really "academic"... you know what i am saying... The above program is of executive level, plus a good mix of international business n finance... although it does not require you to have an MBA, still for a job related requirement, this program is perfect imo. Then in finance you can try Graduate Certificates online from Tulane University (Free Man School of Biz) - Business Finance Certificate Program - Tulane University Online Plus the above two are the top ranking Schools... will look fab on a CV !