Is distance learning degree accepted by employers?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Addison, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Addison

    Addison New Member

    I have many queries before i decide if to get my degree online. How do employers view distance learning degrees? Can I get a job with it?
  2. MikeP

    MikeP New Member

    I don't know if it is the same for every institutions, but in a the institutions I looked for, it isn't written on the diploma that you did 'distance learning', this is the same as those that are attending to the same program on the campus, so there aren't really any differences. These cases are of course if you do your course with a university that gives classes on the campus and distance learning. I don't know how it works for virtual universities.
  3. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    I guess it depends on the person. I think it should be looked at the same, but some people just don't like the idea of a degree being earned online.
  4. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member

    You know, honestly, it doesn't really matter. So many, if not most traditional colleges have an online department that offers the same degree as their ground campuses...I feel there is a shift in perception of online education...

    Take for instance, University of Nebraska...the actual Big 12, Cornhusker college offers their MBA and many other degrees online...its the same degree, diploma says Master of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska...transcripts say the same, with no mention of the delivery method of the education...
  5. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    The main thing that had me feeling funny about distance education at first was location. I live in Alabama and it just didn't seem right for me to take classes at a school in Kansas (FHSU).

    But, the more I thought about it, the more it did not matter. Why limit yourself? Distance education has made it possible for people to find that perfect program for them. None of my in-state colleges had the program that I wanted so I had to go else where. I'm back in school for me, and when I earn my bachelor degree it will be for me. How I feel is the only thing that matters, damn a employer.
  6. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    Some employers care, some do not. My wife works for a Fortune 100 company. They not only approve of her degree being earned online, they are paying for 100% of it. Their only requirement was that the school she selected be regionally accredited.

    That said, there is still some stigma out there. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Schools like UoP have tainted online ed in the eyes of some employers. That is why I've chosen to do my MBA in a classroom.

  7. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member

    I don't think there is any stigma, not as much as people believe...I mean there is most certainly a stigma with online only colleges like UoP, etc...but most traditional colleges have online wife is a grad student at UNLV...two of her classes are stigma or difference...
  8. pugbelly

    pugbelly New Member

    I wish that were the case, but that has not been my experience. I think the stigma is there, but it exists on an employer by employer basis. I believe there is a thread somewhere on the board that has the results of a group of HR managers that were asked for their opinion on the matter. Don't quote me on this, but I believe the poll showed a majority would give preference to candidates whose degrees were earned in a traditional classroom. Another group would consider candidates whose degrees were earned online, but from schools that had a campus presence. Another group would not consider online degrees at all. I think the stigma dies a little every year, but it's still out there. My brother works for an organization that will not reimburse tuition for classes taken online. Even within my own organization there are executives that embrace online learning and those that don't. I think employers are MUCH more open to the idea for employees that already work for them but want to continue their education online. As sad as it is, there are still people out there that believe that online education is a fancy term for a degree mill or an easy way out. Like I said, it gets better each year, but the stigma is still there.

  9. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    For 9 years (1991-99) I was the US marketing agent for the MBA of the Edinburgth Business School of Heriot-Watt University.

    During that time, it went from zero to become the largest MBA in America. It was unusual, in that was 100 DL, it did not require a Bachelor's degree -- and was, of course, a relatively obscure Scottish university.

    For the first few years, we kept careful track of US employer acceptance. Of the first 1,000 applicants, about 80% got immediate approval, and another 18% got approval after information was supplied to the HR departments. Ultimately, more than 70 of the Fortune 100 (and 8 of the Fortune 10) had students enrolled. The only ones who said no were a handful that only would approve of US schools -- and one big company where the HR director told me (after looking up and down the hall, then closing his office door) that "I had to work like hell for two years for my MBA at Rice, so if you think I'm going to approve this online thing for my people, you've got another think coming. And if you quote me, I'll deny it."

    Happily that was only 1 out of a thousand . . . and two years later, that guy was gone, and his company was approving the DL MBA.
  10. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member


    I have always said that most who are against any form of online learning...are bitter because they had to walk up hill both ways in the snow to get their education!
  11. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member

    From what I can tell, and from my experience with my wife being a full time graduate student at learning is regularly embedded into the schools curriculum, or some form of hybrid/blended course. Granted an HR rep may say they are against a degree obtained online, but they very well may hire people from traditional colleges who have degrees that where 40% obtained online, or even 100%. How would they know? Honestly, its kind of the main stream now...for colleges to offer online or blended courses.

    Also, from what i can tell...instructors and professors enjoy teaching parts of their courses online a few nights a saves them commute time, and frees up time to grade papers, etc....

    So, I really do believe the stigma is limited to those who may be of the "old school," and towards online only schools. :)
  12. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    My employer is paying for my DL PhD

    For what its worth - I teach at a community college in Wisconsin, and the school is paying my tuition through a faculty/staff development grant.

  13. Go_Fishy

    Go_Fishy New Member

    There are many factors to consider. In terms of skill development I (as an employer) would never rate a DL degree as inferior to a BM degree, provided it is from a reputable institution. In fact, the fact that someone completed a degree/certificate online is evidence of persistence and dedication.

    When it comes to a "rounded" educational history, though, I don't think a distance degree could ever replace a real college experience. There is so much more to college than taking classes, and these things cannot be experienced online.
  14. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    UOP is not an "online college only;" they have B&M campuses plus they also (or used to) teach courses at some employer facilities (such as my former employer, a fortune 100 company).
  15. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    Research is showing increased acceptance for online degrees in virtually every realm of employment. The lowest acceptance is for full-time tenure-track faculty positions at brick & mortar universities.
  16. ChrisH

    ChrisH New Member

    True, my bad...I meant online colleges in general, UoP just comes to mind as a predominant online college. However, they do have ground campuses.

  17. Arch23

    Arch23 New Member

    Do distance education if that's what works for you and ignore any employer whose narrow-minded and bigoted hiring policies are as old as its dinosaur attitude.
  18. 4Q

    4Q New Member

    To answer the question, yes.

    I applied for one of 70 positions with one of the country's largest employers. Thousands of people applied, literally. These were entry-level positions that required no previous experience. However, they did require an accredited bachelors degree with at least 24 business-related credits and a 3.5 GPA.

    I got the job with my online degree.

    Da end.
  19. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    Add your success story to the DegreeInfo Success Stories sticky thread.
  20. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    I need to qualify this statement a bit. In the past few years, I have seen quite an upswing in online terminal degrees in higher education. The lowest acceptance continues to be if one is applying for a new full-time tenure-track faculty position at a B&M university (assistant or assoicate professor).

    Having said that, I have many successful colleagues with online doctorates in the following situations:

    --Hired as full-time community college faculty
    --Hired as full-time faculty at a virtual university
    --Hired as adjunct university or community college faculty
    --Hired as university or community college administrator
    --Serving currently as university or community college faculty or administrator (based on masters degree) and then completed an online doctorate (for promotion/tenure)

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