Has TUI or TUIU or whatever it's now called officially notified alumni about the recent sale and/or more importantly, the name change? I'm assuming they didn't since I found out about it here. Called them to verify it was true. I bet the majority of TUI grads don't use this board though and have no idea. I would hate to see someone list it on a resume and have to deal with the resulting questions.... Though not quite the same, it still reminds me of the parents who send the child off to college or the military, then move without notice and without providing their new address...an awkward situation at best. Anyway, have any of you TUI grads heard from the school?
I can't access my transcripts online anymore - the password is not valid. I sent an email two weeks ago and they never responded. I am not real happy so far.
I have not heard from TUI. I am a member of the Alumni Association and keep my contact information up to date. My guess is that the name change has not officially occurred yet, which is why we have not been told about it. Honestly, I hope they reconsider the new name. TUI University would certainly not be my first choice. Steve
Randell--Sorry to hear that. I finished the MBA back in Dec 04 and can still log in to student services. If I were you, I'd call tech support first thing in the AM. Maybe it's just an unrelated glitch.
I know what you mean. Every time I see the new name I can't help but think "Ptui University". -=Steve=-
Here is a case where I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. I would have enjoyed hearing the suits discuss the future and their debate around the new name. Maybe they were doing boilermakers during the discussion? Yeah. That had to have been it. No way did they bring in a consulting group on that one. It's too unimaginative to have had that happen. Bing
Another Steven King Honestly, I haven't really maintained much contact with TUI (except for transcript requests) since I graduated in '02. I have not received any official notification of the change; the new name; etc.
For transcripts, I think so. For public relations, definitely. Alumni will be influencing others to attend in the future. Dave