Fwd: Which would u choose - UK PhD - (Bradford, Leeds or Birmingham)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Mimimzalendo, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Dear All,

    It has been a while. A friend of mine who wants to start on
    his PhD sometime this year/next wants to know which he
    should select amongst three schools for a PhD in the area
    of Business and Management:

    - Bradford University School of Management
    - Leeds University Business School
    - Bimingham University Business School

    He has got a preliminary admission for all of them and already
    secure final admission to one of them. He is waiting for the
    other two to finalize his admission and then he can decide
    which one he can go to.

    Given that he wants to have the option of staying in the
    corporate world as well as one day pursuing teaching,
    which of the 3 has a better profile for him.

    All of them are in UK and would require some travel for the
    full time PhD. He has relocated to the UK and lives there now.


  2. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Still waiting for any responses ...

    By the way, thanks for the advice early this year to the
    lady friend of mine who has since started her program
    at the ESC-LILLE school in France.

    Hope you can also help this gentlemam with his choices.

  3. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I would advise your friend to choose the school that has the staff that are most likely to support his specific research interests. It will all come dwn to the doctoral advisor in the end.
  4. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Fwd: Thanks Jack ...

    This is his reply (copied from his e-mail).

    Thanks Jack,

    Yes, I was thinking about that. So far all the schools seem
    to have good doctoral faculty members and all are globally
    exposed. The key though as you say is having a supervisor
    who will take care of my interests. At one of the school, the
    possible supervisor is new and just joined the school this
    year. Is that a good sign (he will want to me finish soon)?

    How about the global (US / UK reputation of the school?
    Since I have not lived in UK for long, I'm not so sure which
    school would elevate me well. Which is more reputable?

    Thank You.


  5. Re: Fwd: Thanks Jack ...

    I totally agree. You are absolutely 100% correct. Anyone who does not agree must be a mill shill.
  6. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Thanks Friend ...

    Will wait to hear from other people.
  7. chris

    chris New Member

    I think what Jack meant was...

    What is his expected topic? Is there someone on the university's staff that would feel comfortable supervising research in that area?
  8. chris

    chris New Member


    are you that guy who keeps emailing me to tell me somebody died and left me a lot of money. Or the guy who needs help getting his money out of some bank?
  9. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Thanks Chris ...

    Chris ,

    His focus will be on "supply chain management" and the public sector. He wants to compare USA versus UK models.

  10. Han

    Han New Member

    Re: Re: Fwd: Thanks Jack ...

    Sorry to get off topic, but I have read this exact sentence about 10 times today... I think I am in the twightlight zone.
  11. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Han, don't worry about the posting ...

    from the chap who keeps posting the same words on almost all postings for today.

    Must be a degree.info TROLL.

    If we ignore him, he might just STROLL away.

  12. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    Clarification ...


    My friend clarified that his area of topic will be on "supply chain management and its relatiionship with Information Technology".

  13. Mimimzalendo

    Mimimzalendo New Member

    wow ... a whole weekend with no replies ...

    I guess few people want to give advice to others.

    Anyway, have a good week. Will review again on Wednesday.


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