Does anyone know where I can find a free online Government Contracting Management course? I am planning to move back to Northern Virginia and start my consulting company again. Definitely cannot acquire this knowledge in my MBA program. Thanks!
I might look at Defense Acquisition University. They have many free classes for those with military backgrounds.
Hello! It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but might be helpful nevertheless: Best regards, Mac Juli
I don’t know about free courses, but I can offer the following: If you are interested in federal government contracting training, I suggest you look into the National Contract Management Association (NCMA). NCMA offers virtual short courses, webinars, and conferences. If you are interested in State and Local government contracting training, I suggest you look into the National Institute for Government Purchasing (NIGP). If you are interested in academic degree programs in government contracting, the Naval Postgraduate School, Graduate School of Defense Management, offers an MBA with a specialization in defense Contract Management and also an MS in Contract Management. NPS is available to military, civil service, and contractor personnel. There are also other schools that offer degree programs in Contract Management, for example Cal Poly Pomona. If you want to pursue a self-directed study program, I would suggest starting with the Contract Management Standard (CMS) which is an ANSI accredited standard. The CMS is available free of charge on the NCMA website. I would also study the Contract Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK). Hope this helps. Rene