Firsthand Experiences with TUW?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Steve King, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Steve King

    Steve King Member

    I'd love to read someone's firsthand experience with Touro University Worldwide (TUW). I noticed an old thread inquired about TUW, but the discussion quickly focused on Drs. Yoram and Edith Neumann's first incarnation -- Touro University International, which was sold to Summit Partners and became TUI University and then Trident.

    Putting that history aside, at least for a moment, does anyone have any personal experience with TUW? Their PsyD in Organizational Psychology looks especially interesting. Thank you.

    USGRAD Member

    Hi Steve,
    TUW is the newest separately accredited campus of Touro College & University System, which also includes the recently acquired NYMC (New York Medical college). I am happy to learn from the MSCHE that the Touro University International dilemma has now been fully and properly resolved, and it is my understanding that all graduates of Touro University International are now entitled to have their academic records issued via Touro College (New York).

    I know of at least two Touro PhD graduates who have this arrangement. That aside, undoubtedly, Touro College & University System is a well-respected entity, which will only get bigger and better. All their professional programs (MD, DO, PT, Law, MPH, MSW, etc) possess specialized accreditation.

    Hence I would recommend the TUW PsyD program. Something tells me that it may prove to be the first such program to gain APA accreditation.

  3. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    APA accredits doctoral programs only in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, or any combination of two or three. TUW's PsyD is in Human and Organizational Psychology, and looks good for what it is, but is nothing whatsoever like the programs within APA's accreditation scope – in content, even putting aside delivery method.
  4. Bao

    Bao Member

    This is off topic. I am sorry Steve. I am a graduate of Trident University International (2005). What do I need to do to get my transcript issued by Touro College? Back to TUW, I think this doctorate program is terrific if this school get APA accredited in a near future. I understand APA is not required for this degree, but it is a nice dinstintion for psychology programs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
  5. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    This won't possibly happen, and it isn't an appropriate standard. The APA can't accredit degree programs in psychology other than in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and/or School Psychology. No other doctoral programs in psychology – programs in general psychology, experimental psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, educational psychology (where the title is "educational," not "school"), etc., anywhere, even at the most prestigious schools – are accredited by the APA.
  6. Steve King

    Steve King Member

    Thank you for the responses so far. I'm not too concerned about going to, or recommending to others, a PsyD program that's APA accredited because I'm not interested in clinical practice in those specific areas; but, it's an excellent point for others to consider.

    I'll have to check my state's licensing requirements for non-clinical psychologists, if applicable, to make sure APA accreditation isn't mandated. (Just thinking out loud.) It appears that graduates of TUW's PsyD program would be eligible for membership in the APA and the Society of I/O Psychologists (SIOP). That's probably important.

    I'd still love to hear from anyone who's personally attended TUW about their experiences with the university.

    USGRAD Member

    Hi Bao,

    Anyone who graduated from Touro University International (a former Branch Campus of Touro College, NY), and was issued a diploma from Touro University International, is entitled under applicable laws and regulations to have their academic records maintained and issued by Touro College, New York. This arrangement is already in place, and was facilitated by the MSCHE. It MUST apply to all graduates of Touro University International. This is non-negotiable. I would recommend that you contact the Registrar of Touro College and/or the MSCHE. AGAIN, Trident University International is NOT a continuation of Touro University International.

  8. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Anyone have any first-hand experience with TUW?

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