Edgewood College's Doctor of Education (Ed.D) ($15K)

Discussion in 'Education, Teaching and related degrees' started by TEKMAN, Jan 25, 2025.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Not sure that works for Americans: "The on-campus tuition fee is USD 45,864. Students outside the U.S. benefit from a scholarship of up to 70% once admitted."
    TEKMAN likes this.
  3. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    The lower number of credits for the Ed.D. may be because that program is intended to be paired with an M.Ed. We'd discussed that combo degree option a few weeks back:


    For those outside of the US, that dual degree offering was roughly $13,000 or as low as $11,050 if everything were to be paid upfront. Your mileage may very, depending on your country of residence.
    On a tangential note, I just finished reading through the Upgrad DBA thread, which gave me some caution regarding potential enrollment in the M.Ed/Ed.D. offering. I tried to do some brief searches around the web to find someone who has already enrolled or completed the programs to no avail.

    Should anyone else happen to find such content, please do let us know!

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