Desperate Situation: Desperate Measures - Referral, Recommendations, Opportunities...

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by LadyExecutive, May 1, 2010.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    I’ve been a subscriber of this board for a long time, and we have seen each other through some significant decisions and transitions. I came here with two baccalaureate degrees, earned a masters degree (3.9/4.0), and today I anxiously await my comprehensive examination results. I have taken two, mostly three courses each term and like everyone here, have labored inexhaustibly, to meet the prerequisites for a doctoral degree in business administration with dual specializations in organizational leadership and development. I have met the course content of my program. In fact, I fully expect to be considered an ABD very shortly.

    While I am grateful for all these blessings, I have had some recent upsets, as well. I came here a happily married woman and today, I find myself in the process of divorce. Actually, I was told, "You're no fun anymore, you have become a 4 eyed geek. You need to bring sexy back, and I doubt you can. I'm leaving." I find myself the single parent of three very delightful, darling girls; 16, 13 and 3. I am now solely responsible for their lives and as a result, must find gainful employment, straight away or lose my residence.

    I am saying all this to let you know why I've come here in such despair to ask that if anyone knows of any online teaching positions (or any type of online positions) please let me know. I worked and taught in higher education for five years before relocating to the United States. I am a U.S. Citizen, however. In any event, my teaching experience in The Bahamas has been in the fields of policy and business law. Any recommendations would be immensely appreciated.
  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Check out Corinthian Colleges - The Team to Watch. The Team to Join. They had full time positions and several adjunct positions. is another good place to look. By the way, some of the positions listed look like they have a location of Pitssburg but they are online/fulltime and are done from home.
  3. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    that sucks. Marriage at its best isn't about fun or sexy! How very shallow of your soon-to-be X. You have my sincere sympathy in this matter.
  4. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member

    I'd try looking at local community colleges that have online classes. They may need summer instructors at the last minute and/or are planning for fall. Many online programs require you to go through the triaing first, even if you've taught elsewhere but community colleges usually don't.

    Higheredjobs dot com is a good source. APUS is supposed to be a good place to teach.

    I'm sorry that you're having a hard time, but you will perservere and you and your girls will get through this together. Stay strong. Send me a PM if I can help more.
  5. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Sounds like he does not deserve you...if you find a position on the site, PM me.
  6. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    I've always found intelligent girls to be very, very attractive. You are not the one with the problem....he is.
  7. racechick8293

    racechick8293 New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear of your situation.

    PM's sent.
  8. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    I thank you more than you'll ever really know.
  9. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Thank you!

    I'll tell you something, having a spouse announce to you that they're leaving not because of anything you've done, but because they've become so involved in their studies that they have neglected getting their nails and hair done every other Friday, is depressing, to say the least. I believe I am a strong person, and I've always been but in this situation, my morale and confidence has taken a huge hit. I've always thought he was proud of me. In the past, he has even asked me to help him in his own educational pursuits. Today, the story has changed. I don't even want to think about it or the future, other than to take care of my children who are innocent and loving and who, regardless of the circumstances, need me.

    Thanks for your support. His leaving is not whats so tough; its the way he did it. I didn't see it coming and I don't think I deserved that.
  10. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Thank very much!

    Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts. It's like a bucket of cold water being thrown in your face as you come around the corner and didn't expect it happening. I cope best by drowning myself in my studies or by reading. That way, I don't have to think about it. LOL, see how utterly boring I sound?
  11. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member


    I appreciate your concern and your advice. It is encouraging to read, for sure. I believe I will be fine but it’s the getting to that point that is so difficult. I applaud the people before me, who have gone through similar trials. Once I have absorbed the initial shock and the worry about being able to support my children, I believe I'd be fine. Although, I may be emotionally scarred for life.
  12. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Awwwww, how very sweet to say so. For some reason, the men I know don't seem to appreciate intelligence in a woman, though. They'd rather eye candy as opposed to intelligence. Unfortunately, I'm not eye candy.
  13. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member


    Thank you. Thank you, so much!
  14. BrandeX

    BrandeX New Member

    I'd wager you are probably "smarter" than your ex. People tend to group together with those similar to them, or in the same "caste". Rich people and poor people are not often good buddies for example. Similarly intelligent and unintelligent people typically don't mix either. I'd take perhaps some solace knowing that you have ascended personally, and are now in a better place intellectually. You may have an improved life from here out after the rough period you are in now wanes.

    Best of luck!
  15. CJ Ed

    CJ Ed New Member

    Sorry to hear of your situation. This has to be a horrible shock.

    I cannot give advice on the job search, as I'm not sure who is hiring in your discipline right now. However, given my legal background, I can suggest a few things that will help you in the short term:

    1- get a lawyer;
    2- get a temporary child support order;
    3- it sounds as if you have been a stay at home mom for awhile - if so, talk to your lawyer about getting a temporary spousal support (alimony) order; and
    4- collect all financial records NOW - you will need them later. Many spouses, unfortunately, start raiding accounts and hiding assets.

    Where ever you land in terms of teaching, expect it to take a number of months (3-6) between those initial applications and actually getting a pay check. Many on-line schools have a mandatory training period that is unpaid. Even if you are an experienced teacher, you will have to jump through their hoops. This training can take a huge amount of your time, particularly if you start through with several schools (and you will need to do so, as most will not give more than 2 classes to an adjunct). Getting temporary support pending the divorce will help tide you over until you are earning sufficient money to survive on your own.

    Best wishes!


    + a bunch of useless grad credits :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2010
  16. mbaonline

    mbaonline New Member

    I had thought about this should be getting this taken care of immediately and then look for a job.
  17. Griffin

    Griffin Crazy About Psychology

    Seconded! Who wouldn't want to be married to a smart, funny DBA? He is just shallow and really doesn't deserve the pleasure of your company.

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