Are there any Republicans here left who can honestly defend the Baby Bush? If so, This prez and his band of bandidos? If so, I must must admit you have a a lot of nerve or balls, huevos, whatever! The president is pathetic! Keep defending him! Oh no, we will blame it on an attack of Christianity here in America! What a load of crap! Abner P.S. I suppose I can expect a visit from the FBI or the CIA. The prez seems to think he has endless oversight powers.
I think it has more to do with your Valencian blood, one of the oldest kingdoms of Europe. Didn´t you see recently the mascletá? It was simply espectacular ...... I hope you dad doesn´t feel too bad to miss these important events. I also live abroad, and it breaks my heart to watch them on TV. I hope I didn´t spoil your fight. Un abrazo
Hi JLV. No, my dad hasn't seen this years Mascleta. His eyes soften up when he recalls them though. I only have basic cable, no satellite, as well. Take care of yourself JLV. Say hi to the family! Un abrazo a mi hermano JLV y su familia, Bon dia, Abner
Who said he thinks before he shoots from the hip (or is that lip)? I do know that my IRA has appreciated a remarkable 1% since the 1st of the year while the inflation rate has increaded by 3.6%. To my way of thinking I lost 2.6% in 3 months. I think he ought to work more on some of our domestic problems (illegal immigration & the economy) and less on our current shooting war. George Santayana said if we don't learn from our mistakes we are bound to repeat them. How many wars do we have to get involved in before we start to learn?
I dont have alot of nice things to say about the Prez or the Republicains, but I find it interesting that people complain about the economy when the number are pretty clear that is is very very good. With the exception of the god aweful gas prices, which i blame the current admin, everything else is very good. I am feeling it personally, but Is that because I am in the Mid-atlantic area? Or maybe some good decision making on my part? Im curious, is everyone here who ways the economy sucks have signifigantly less money in their pocket? And how does that relate to the pre-fictious dot-com boom of the 90s? Just curious... As for immigration. Well, Abs...I admit that the consevative are getting the standing 8 count right now, but I think the democrates( and some Liberal Reps) may end up shooting themselves in the foot on this one. I know we see all these people protesting everywere, but the truth is most, not all, but most cannot vote. Does anyone really think it is ok to break the rules and get rewarded for it? I know there is alot more going on, but basicly thats some want to do. Id acctually support the idea if i though they would do something about the border. Something just stinks about throwin a dude out who has supported his kids here for years and years, but there has to be common ground that respects the law. I dont think democratic activist handing out flyer with the state of texas shown as part of Mexico is the answer... This is pretty serious issue, and if the clowns in washington dont find a way to get along then we will ultimatly pay the price. Its not about immigrants, its about respect for the law and since politicians dont have any I dont expect them to face this issue... Fix the Country..Vote Libertarian!
Re: Re: Completely off the cuff banter The inflation rate is an annual rate. Your 1% gain is actually a 4% gain if annualized. My 401k rose 5.3% in the first quarter. That's 21.2% annual. I'd say you need to pick some different investments.
More evidence of how bad the economy is: ! Also, more terrible news...the stock market is 300 pts from an all time high..GASP. ONLY 4.8% growth during the first quarter is terrible!!!!! And the economy is bad where...maybe if your losing in the game of winners your a loser?? or maybe not....just being off the cuff...