This is a touch outside my expertise. So I'm asking here, what does one do with a graduate certificate in Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies? Looking for the careers this cert prepares one for...
It sounds like a good program for positions in state departments of natural resources, the federal wildlife and game commission and the state and federal parks systems.
Coach, aside from the usual cool university and research jobs the government has some interesting positions in the US Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the US Army Corps of Engineers. (go to and do a keyword search on "wetlands" or "biologist") One of the folks that I worked with on a nifty wireless communication/sensor/IT project in the Everglades had a PhD in the biological sciences and he heads up a portion of the Everglades restoration project. Its really hard to complain about riding boats and collecting data while surfing Degreeinfo . Of course not all jobs are as much fun. While researching schools we have marked UNC Wilmington for its Marine Biology programs as a potential for the youngest. There are also some state jobs: Kevin
Working at a place like this, maybe. Or one of these places, perhaps. Or maybe one of the places listed here. Or here. Or here, or here, or here, or here, or one of these places, or here, or here, or... oh... I'm tired now.
They probably in GREAT demand after Hurricaine Rita I'm sure these folks would be highly desirable with the rebuilding of the Gulf coast.