I am black. I may quicker dine with the person who calls me the n word, than with someone who makes a living defending black interest. The biggest user of black people where the Clintons, and the Democratic Party.
Ugh. Why does this website have so much take news? Affirmative action is constitutional and does not apply to a particular group. AA applies to any underrepresented group, and white women have been the biggest beneficiaries. White men are being handed scholarships like candy at public HBCUs because of AA. All AA says is that, if you have two equally-qualified candidates, then you must choose the one from the underrepresented group relative to the pool of qualified candidates in your area. The only thing that was ruled unconstitutional was quotas. Phdtobe: Correct if I'm wrong, but I remember that you aren't from the U.S.
The reason why this ticks people off is because it's a total lie. No one is colorblind; everyone has biases. Even babies are born with the ability to recognize when someone doesn't look like him or her. You don't need to pretend to be colorblind to treat people with respect. All you need to do is appreciate people's differences.
Typo *fake news I'm a black woman who has never benefited from AA. As a matter of fact, my name outs me as being black, and there is research to supporr that people with black-sounding names are less likely to get interviews. When it comes to civil service jobs, I have to be substantially smarter than my competition to have a chance at getting hired. That's because of veterans' preference points. I don't whine about veterans' preference points. I just make sure that I'm prepared to smoke everyone on civil service exams.
Okay, because a lot of people who aren't African Americans don't have an understanding of why African Americans vote the way they do. There might be a lot of typos because I'm on my phone. The Democratic and Republican parties have been our main choices since we could vote. Both parties have been racist from the beginning. Republicans weren't abolishionists; abolishionists just happened to be a subset of Republicans. Abraham Lincoln's actions on slavery helped give the Republican party a boost with black people, but he still thought we were inferior and should be shipped back to Africa. After that, black people started leaning toward the Democratic party even though it wasn't exactly courting the black vote. When you're faced with choosing between two racist parties, what do you Do? You vote for the one that best represents your interests. Poor black people, who mostly lived in the South, voted the same way poor, white southerners did. Then, more non-southern Democrats started winning elections. FDR 's New Deal policies didn't exclude black people, Truman desegregated the military, and Johnson pushed for the Civil Rights Act. LBJ was racist too, but the Civil Rights Act did a lot to protect black people's constitutional rights, which had been widely violated since slavery was abolished. Plus, the Republican party nominated Goldwater, who was openly against the Civil Rights Act and desegregation. Backing up a little, Nixon had the chance to win the black vote, but when Kennedy was the only one who called MLK when he was arrested, it was over for Nixon. Later, came Nixon and Reagan's southern strategies. So, racist, white southerners started exiting the Democratic party in droves. It's has also been admitted that the War on Drugs started by Nixon and accelerated by Reagan was designed to target black people. With Trump being a Republican, retweeting white supremacists, and endorsing Roy Moore, who said that America was better during the era of slavery, black people are pretty much stuck with voting for Democrats or independent or third party candidates. It has been acknowledged that the crime bill passed under Clinton was harmful to black communities, but it has been ignored that Clinton did this to win support from Republican- leaning white people, and Republicans in Congress supported this bill. Also, Bill Clinton is not among the most popular, modern Democratic candidates when it comes to black people. Other recent candidates received a larger share of the black vote.
Fair and balance. Anyway, I do have a little understanding of what goes on in the US. Canada is very similar where the liberal received most of the minority votes. Ironically, in my opinion, the policies of the Conservative most time end-up helping minorities more than the Liberal. Liberal policies are more Pandering to minorities, with unrealistic promises and promises to keep them poor on social programs.Whereas conservatives are about the economy, tax reduction, employment etc. Less on the social programs.
I forgot to add that many black people supported the crime bill signed by Clinton because crime had skyrocketed in black neighborhoods due to the crack epidemic. For decades, people considered it an urban legend when black people said that Reagan introduced crack into black communities. While his administration didn't directly do this, there is now evidence that the Reagan administration knew that Nicaraguans were bringing crack to the U.S., but they turned a blind eye because the crack sales were funding the side the U.S. had taken in Nicaragua.
The social program that is still causing harm to minorities is the welfare to work program. It had good intentions to get people off welfare, but the theory behind its design is flawed. This is another one of Bill Clinton's signed bills that received a lot of support from conservatives. The Clintons are not liberals; they are centrists. Hillary only tried to move to the left to compete with Sanders. By the way, Canada's conservatives would be considered liberal in the U.S.
The conservatives in Canada do have their share of extreme far right no different from the Republican in the US. If i was to pick my racist, then i preferred the far right because i know where i Stand. It is the leftish racists that worry me because it is a silent racism. People should be free to have racist views and should be able to express them. Shutting up racists is a terrible idea.
We have freedom of speech. Allowing racists to avoid criticism, and even electing them, tells others that racism is socially acceptable. This is why white supremacist groups are growing once again in the U.S., and the number of hate crimes has been increasing. Racists have been validated by politicians.
I'm not denying that people have natural biases. I've also heard about the name/job offer study. It's sad. People always want to secure resources for their "in group". However, I think that validates the need to pretend. I see these inherent biases just like other negative inherent traits (such as jealousy and selfishness), and our goal as reasoning beings in a civil society should be to overcome these negative traits and manifest ourselves to respect each person as the individual they are. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" The idea that I view myself as "colorblind" ticks far-left people off because they view themselves as superior to (or victims of) white males. (see the recent thread: http://www.degreeinfo.com/off-topic-discussions/56119-all-fall-down.html) They claim it is because of the nations past (slavery, discrimination in the 60s, etc..). However, people forget that 300,000 white males died to end slavery in the USA (keep in mind slavery still exists in other countries). Additionally, because of the principles Catholics follow, they have always helped the minorities throughout our countries history. So yes, people are biased, I pretend to be color blind, and everyone should. As for affirmative action, most right-wingers (and the far-left who advocates for it) see AA as giving preferences to minorities because they are somehow the "victims" of dead people's crimes. As for you personally sanantone, you say you haven't benefited form AA, you don't whine about vets getting preference, and you take the personal responsibility to ace the civil service exams. I think that's great, and I commend you for it. The key word there is personal responsibility though. There are many many people that just want handouts for everything, and in a scenario where the less eligible are given preference because of their race, that by definition is racist. I'm not saying this to completely bash what you've said, but rather as an attempt to articulate what the right is thinking. Your summary of presidents and the black vote is pretty accurate. I personally think the DNC is using the "victim card" to use blacks. They gain their vote and then abandon them. The GOP doesn't even care though. If I were running as a republican, I would make it my point to go into the black community and really try to show my point of view and why it is good for them. I disagree with you about the first amendment, "We have freedom of speech. Allowing racists to avoid criticism". Quite the opposite. I'd say we have freedom of speech, which allows people to have some crazy views, but avoids a tyrannical government that enforces "thought crimes". Freedom of speech allows you to criticize the racists. If your argument really is better, then challenge them. I challenge the alt-right often in the youtube comments section and it can be quite entertaining. Their arguments are extremely flawed, and they usually end up just name calling to avoid any real discussion (they are the SJWs of the right). Reasonable people (or even alt-lite people) are going to see this public humiliation and turn away from the alt-right. I do think it is growing in numbers, not as much as estimates though because there are a lot of trolls. However, I think their movement will eventually stagnate.