Best school to take Calculus Online on short notice

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Warpnow, May 31, 2017.

  1. Warpnow

    Warpnow Member

    I only need to take one class. I am looking at a local Brick and Mortar program in the fall and have been told it would be a good idea to take calculus before starting. I could take calculus there, but it would be alot more convenient to take online at the moment.

    I want to register to take it this summer. Self-paced would be awesome...

    Cost is not a huge concern but cheaper would be better as always. Would really like a school with a solid program and not just videos of a lecture hall.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Fuerza

    Fuerza New Member

    Self Paced options:

    LSU Independent Learning: LSU Continuing Education
    UC Berkeley Extension: Sciences, Mathematics and Biotechnology | UC Berkeley Extension
    University of Wisconsin:
    Ole Miss: Calculus, so it may not be what you're looking for but it's worth checking out.
    University of Oklahoma: Self-Paced Courses

    Those are all the ones I have off the top of my head, but there are others. If you're willing to go with a semester schedule then quite a few more schools become options.
  3. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

  4. Warpnow

    Warpnow Member

    I was excited about the Berkeley option, but after researching it, it seems like there aren't really any classes. You just read the book and then take 2-3 tests. This doesn't seem like a full class to me. Does anyone have any knowledge of how well built out any of these classes are? I'd really like something that is very engaging.

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