Application to edit documents selectively - Cheap or Free

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by AsianStew, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    For documents and other file types such as PDF's, is there an application that can merge specific pages of a PDF with another? For example, I have X PDF's, I want to selectively grab pages from those Docx/PDF's and combine them into one... Is there an application for that? Something like a cut/paste or snipping parts that I want to review later?

    This is for generating a Coles or Collins Notes version of a set of textbook chapters for review, so I can review parts I need to retain info in those hard to grasp concept areas or points I want to. It's easier than copy/pasting into a document, or getting screenshots, etc, much faster than writing down or highlighting those notes as well. Anything out there?
    MaceWindu likes this.
  2. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Google "merge pdf files" and you'll probably find an online tool for this.
  4. MaceWindu

    MaceWindu Active Member

    Something like this?
  5. INTJ

    INTJ Member

    I use the free tools at On the top menu, click on Tools and look under the Organize section. You'll want to first extract your PDF pages and then merge them into a new document. They have a bunch of other free tools, too. I don't remember if there's a page limit but there is a download limit.

    If you want all the bells and whistles of Adobe Acrobat without the cost, you can get a monthly subscription, for $2.99, to the desktop edition of PDFescape.
    Jonathan Whatley likes this.

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