20-month part-time doctorate at Ivy League school

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by John Bear, Dec 14, 2001.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    The Univ. of Pennsylvania is offering what may well be the fastest RA doctorate anywhere, much less from an Ivy League school, much less in a part-time program where one can remain fully employed. The "executive doctorate" in higher education management is a 20-month program; the dissertation is also written during those 20 months. Two and a half days on campus each month. No GMAT or GRE exams required. The cost is a mere $81,000, which includes room and board on campus, and students loans are available.

    Further evidence, perhaps, for the "Good - Fast - Cheap - choose any two" hypothesis.
  2. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Try the Case Western Reserve Executive Doctor of Management (EDM) http://www.weatherhead.cwru.edu/edm/
    takes 3 years at only $26,500/year (financial aid is available).

    "The Executive Doctor of Management (EDM)
    Program, offered by the Weatherhead School
    of Management at Case Western Reserve
    University, is the first doctoral program in the world to integrate concept and practice within the context of today’s emerging and pressing global issues. The EDM is available to a small, select group of experienced executives who possess a master’s degree and are committed to pursuing formal, rigorous study as practitioner- scholars. By addressing practicing executives’ specialized needs for advanced knowledge and skills, the EDM Program enables dedicated professionals to explore new horizons of executive leadership within their organizations and beyond."

    M. C. (Mike) Albrecht, PE
  3. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Maybe Duke will start competing against Penn and can up their exec. MBA tuition a bit more for a doctorate.

    I checked out the site and was curious as to what the abbrov. for an "Executive Doctorate." Couldn't find it, so I will
    suggest Ex.D. (is it really a doctorate?)

  4. Jonathan Liu

    Jonathan Liu Member

    Actually it is a doctor of education degree as said in the website.

    Jonathan Liu
  5. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Yes it did say "doctor of education" but I noticed that they did not really emphasize the degree abbrev. and only mention the Ph.D. and Ed.D. in their related programs section.

    So, I wanted to have some fun with the Ex.D.

  6. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

  7. BruceP

    BruceP Member

    Ouch! Yowza! These guys certainly know how to "thin the herd" to limit the number of students applying for their program... and to think I complained about Claremont's $800 per credit Ph.D. programs (1997 prices... probably up over $1k per credit now)!

    Penn State won't be seeing my application anytime soon... (neither did Claremont)!!!

    It's too bad that the most attractive programs cause you to have a stroke when the cost of tuition is revealed... I also liked the Ed.D. in Leadership program at George Washington University and the Executive Doctor of Management at Case Western Reserve University... once again the mere viewing of the tuition nearly killed me... alas... still in search of quality... for less!

    BruceP in Colorado Springs
  8. Gerstl

    Gerstl New Member

    Penn [U of P] and Penn State [Penn State U] are two different animals. Penn is an Ivy in Philadelphia, while Penn State is a state school with a main campus in the center of the state (more or less--probably a bit closer to the western end)


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