...to put teeth in its standards - make them law. e.g. AACSB or the Autobahn, for US MBA degrees, and who can be called "Herr /Frau Doktor" and...
"AACSB oder die Autobahn!" (AACSB or the Autobahn.) I just checked the search-thingy and it appears I've written this NINE times on DI. I'm soooo...
...They single out American MBA degrees with an "AACSB or the Autobahn" policy. That's their right. Easy for me to say, I suppose. I don't believe...
...even with Regional Accreditation. There, it's "AACSB or the Autobahn" for American MBAs. Other countries - maybe other hurdles. "Waiting for...
...one really old guy on the forum, who has said "AACSB or the Autobahn" about eight times. Clue: He has a German forum-name but he's a FAKE...
..."Herr/Frau Doktor" in Germany. And MBA's too. It's "AACSB or the Autobahn." And that means RA automatically, as those are the only US schools...
...You can, but acceptance may vary. (3) US MBA? It's AACSB or the Autobahn. Keine Ausnahmen. (No exceptions.) Here's a 2017 thread:...
...know also that in Germany - for a US MBA to be "real" by that country's standards - it must have AACSB accreditation. "AACSB or the Autobahn!") :)
Well, that's how they split them in Germany. - mit Präzision! :) Same deal with foreign MBAs. AACSB or the Autobahn.
I don't believe they're recognized in Germany, Lerner. Definitely not recognized (officially) in UK. UK-NARIC will not evaluate them - period....
...US MBA recognized unless it's AACSB accredited. Yep- AACSB or the Autobahn. Few other quirks, too. I'd say yes - if your degree makes the grade...
True. AACSB or the Autobahn! And I read that German authorities are extremely picky about recognizing foreign doctorates. Very possible. Last I...
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