NWCU Law, so far.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by wannaJD, Apr 12, 2003.

  1. loveprobono

    loveprobono New Member

    Work for the school?

    First of all, I don't - secondly, it's moot.

    The man comes on a board and can't say anything concrete actually. He PERCIEVED the man to be arrogant and so on. There isn't proof. He is speaking from an emotionally based standpoint, not a logical one.

    That is where my "thick skin" comments come from.
    If you can not deal with someone per a personality conflict and go beyond that, you have a long way to go before attempting to study law where you need to have that vital skill.

    Per your statement of "a problem' with the owner. What exactly was the "problem"...and why not deal with someone under him? How many brick and morter colleges have each student dealing with the president of the university? Hardly any. As last I checked, admissions is where the man should have directed his questions to begin with - so again, it's on the man, not the president.

    The president doesn't have to win a popularity contest; ie, he does not have to be jovial when answering questions. This is very one sided. We don't know how the other man was in this communication.
    I'm not saying he was or was not appropriate; I'm saying that most people talk to admissions and go from there - regardless of college be it distance or otherwise.
  2. yankees98a

    yankees98a New Member

    and you are the same person who wants to sue liberty university... anyway lets talk about the topic and now about little subtopics
  3. loveprobono

    loveprobono New Member

    Let's not. It's moot.

    As you could clearly see from the login, I am the same person who posted about Liberty.

    Who "wants" to sue is future tense. Not present, therefore you are corrected.

    I really do not wish to discuss anything further with you. I stated my opinion on NWCU and Liberty. If you have not had a problem with Liberty, and if you have not had any personal experience with NWCU, my interest in communicating with you is nill.

    Thanks for your input.

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