Schools putting litter boxes in schools for students that identify as furry

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bill Huffman, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    The "known fact" being reinforced by stories that distort and misrepresent the other side. Like the litterbox story. And when these smears turn up to be false, it somehow PROVES the same point by saying "see, this is what we were prepared to believe".
    Not to mention the fact that the actual left-wing position is not the different identities. It's a notion that maybe we shouldn't harass people we don't understand. Various weirdos are "pretty much entirely Democrat" because the other side preaches that it's OK to drive them to suicide for sport (not in so many words, but in effec). Meanwhile, not even one "furry" ever harmed me in any way, and all the people I ever clashed with in real life were fellow white cis Christians (not even necessarily Conservative).

    For the record: QAnon cult is real. Litterboxes in schools are not a thing. I fail to see a parallel here.

    There is a difference between seeing real problems and accepting smears as true. The fact that a bunch of armchair revolutionaries came up with a dumbass slogan "Defund the Police" doesn't mean that saying things like "Democratic Party is pro-crime, because they think that people doing crime are owed reparations" (a real thing a real Republicon Congressmoron said) is any less wrong and super racist. For once, a bunch of the leftists who like ideological purity tests are not even members of the Democratic Party (which they dismiss as "far-Right" and "neocon").
    Rachel83az likes this.
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    For the record, I thought LearningAddict did a good job explaining why he believed this litterbox story. Note that he volunteered his thoughts and I appreciate him explaining why he came to the wrong conclusion about the litterboxes in school thing. I applaud and appreciate his post.

    It makes me think about why I thought it was so ridiculous, I found it really hard to believe it true when I heard intelligent folks actually believed it on CNN. On the other hand LearningAddict just assumed it true. I think it comes down to the caustic environment especially on some news outlets that demonize the folks on the other side of the aisle. It makes it very easy to believe silly nonsense about the folks on the other side of the aisle.
    JBjunior and SteveFoerster like this.

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