Arden University - Undergrad/Grad Scholarships (selective countries only)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AsianStew, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    While checking out some programs at Arden within their online offerings, I noticed they have some scholarships available.
    The strangest thing is, the scholarships seem to be only offered to "First World countries" instead of Developing countries!
    I would have thought it's the opposite way around! I guess they're just targeting the "English" speaking countries for now.

    Anyways, they do have some online offerings at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
    Undergraduate level scholarship discounts range from 25% to 33%. Tuition is roughly £4500/year.
    For graduate level, scholarship discounts range from 40% to 50%. Tuition is roughly £10.5K/year.

    I think it's pretty good... As long as you get the discount scholarship, as their "Top Up" or 1 year degree offerings can be had cheaply.
    Have a look, search their online programs and see for yourself. Link:
  2. Speculator101

    Speculator101 New Member

    I like Arden business model, they have a great offer where you can get free masters if you do undergrad until September.

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