South Africans long for the old days

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by cdhale, Dec 14, 2002.

  1. cdhale

    cdhale Member

  2. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I confess that I didn't read the entire article...too disgusted. Aside from the fact that you can find people everywhere who will long for "the ol' days," (Trent Lott is a good recent example) you have to wonder who conducted the survey, who paid for it, and who were the respondents (you know, that boring old rigorous scientific stuff). BTW, if we're discussing the prospect of new forums, a South African forum would be as valid as any other.
  3. Wes Grady

    Wes Grady New Member

    I particularly like the quote:
    "It was a harsh, repressive, but seemingly efficient government."

    I recall reading the same about the Nazi rule..... efficient, but not one anyone would care to repeat.

  4. cdhale

    cdhale Member

    Honestly, it wasn't as bad as the headline sounded. The citizens were still optimistic about the future, with the current government. The results of the survey seemed to be a reaction to the current volatility in the SA society. They remember the past as being more efficient (as in, "at least the trains ran on time.")

    I don't think many of them were advocating a return to the past policies...

    It is also worth mentioning that the fondness for the past grows the farther removed from the actual time. Oh nastalgia.. a wonderful thing...:D

  5. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Re: South Africans long for the old days

    You probably should have qualified your statement a bit, Wes saying "not anyone sane or not anyone reasonable," because, unfortunately, there are plenty of people around who would be happy to return to those days. They don't usually operate in the open but they're there nonetheless.
  6. Wes Grady

    Wes Grady New Member

    Unfortunately, Jack, you are 100% right on the money. I stand corrected.

  7. Kane

    Kane New Member

    I am quite involved with South Africa. I am a an activist for Boer rights and am working with numerous Euro-Boer interest groups. I would agree and welcome such a development

    I read the article and am not surprised at all.

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