Number of senior FBI & DOJ officials fired under POTUS

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    "Unmasking" is a routine thing; the fact that this American citizen talking to a foreign agent is Gen. Flynn is very relevant for intelligence. I'm frankly surprised that Flynn's identity was protected at all; guys like him should be unmasked by default as носитель гостайны.
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Thing is, using government to go after political opponents is what Trump does. Obama admin had all this intelligence on Trump, and was afraid to do a darn thing so as not to appear "going after political opponents". As a result, the only candidate unfairly hurt by the government was Hillary Clinton. Making Trump or Flynn victims on these facts is gaslighting.
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Appears to be not so routine thing.
    And this wasn't a secret meeting, it was a public event for people to see.
    Even video exists of it.
    This was not illegal in 2015.
    It was politicized by the left especially when they lost the elections and needed to blame incoming President with bogus collusion with new well not so new Bugyman "Russia".

  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    There will be other choices.
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Not this time. Not really.

    Biden/Any Democratic Woman'2020
  6. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You are playing dumb, you realize that?

    "Unmasking" refers to identifying a person in intercepted communication with foreigners. NOT his public activities (btw he was paid by RT, which for him WAS illegal - not to mention colossally immoral). Again. Flynn actually DID have SECRET meetings with his Russian and Turkish employers. They were even secret from Trump and Pence, and when Flynn came clean, Trump FIRED HIM FOR THAT. These are the facts.

    Again, Michael Flynn is a former Director of DIA, and I believe an officer in Active Reserve at the time. Are you seriously claiming that he expected to remain "masked"? This is not a rando civilian.

    Also, even those who work for RT legally are scum. And between us Ukrainians, Russia is NOT a "Bugyman" (you meant bogeyman, right?); it's a criminal aggressor state. Presidents and SecStates have to talk to them, part of a job; participating in their schemes, as Flynn did, is... what's the word... ah, here: deplorable.

    Meanwhile, Manafort was let out of prison. Here's one guy I hope will catch COVID-19.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Yes really. Just because you're comfortable with that false choice and supporting the system that brings it every four years doesn't mean everyone else has to go along with it.
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Not everyone can hold out for a political utopia, like you or Bernie. Someone has to try and help actual people with their actual lives.

    On women and violence: Joseph Biden is the principal author of Violence Against Women Act. Donald Trump is a living avatar of toxic masculinity, when he is not a felonious crook. Equating these two, and in general painting everyone with the same brush, is literally both the goal and the method of modern day Russian propaganda, continuing tradition that includes, yes, the Protocols. in light of this, are you still wondering I'm not quick to believe the accusation?
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Yes, Stanislav, I'm obviously an anti-semitic shill for the KGB. :rolleyes:
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Nope; just an utopist.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    What General Flynn did was not illegal. You may not like it.
    Some didn't like what HRC did with Russia or Obama.
    It's OK in a free society to have an opinion. But what they did to General Michael Flynn was no OK. Too bad, you can't see that.
    Flynn was set up and President Trump was set up.
    Justice will prevail.

    And you didn't respond about Biden telling the public he wasn't involved, yet the documents show he was. How convenient for you to ignore.
    What else Former VP Biden said he didn't but the documents show the opposite?
    The usual double standard of the Dem's.
  12. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    What happened to Flynn (or rather, could have happened) is occupational hazard of being a criminal. Criminals get prosecuted.

    You use very unusual definition of the word "involved"; Biden was serving as a VP and naturally had access to intelligence, including identity of unmasked foreign agent Flynn. "Foreign agent" in this is technical term; for example he acknowledged being an agent for Turkey while advising candidate Trump. It's not necessarily illegal (although Flynn failed to register, plus, you know, optics of a recently-retired Director of DIA doing tha), but naturally draws scrutiny.
    In short, as always, there is less than zero evidence either Obama or Biden did anything remotely wrong in relation to any of this. Unlike confessed felon Flynn and convicted felon and piece of scum Manafort.

    And yes, willingly associating with Vladimir "Huylo" Putin is wrong. Wrong for Flynn, wrong for Jill Stein, wrong for Republicans in Congress, wrong for NRA. Wrong for hordes of leftie idiots, too.
  13. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Again double standard :). Your defense is very weak. Flynn is not a criminal he did a lot for our country.
    Biden individually asked for unmasking according to the documents but on TV denied it? Obviously it's fine with you. He individually asked for unmasking and the rest of the probe.
    And about the association with Russian President, you forgot all the Dem's that did the same. Obviously double standard.
    I was going to stop on this tread but it keeps going.
    So maybe this post from me will be the final on this issue.
  14. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    One can do a lot for one's country, but still be criminal - by doing crimes. Flynn is one example. Is he the worst criminal? probably not.

    Yeah, I don't trust either you nor your sources on this. In any case, Biden did not do anything wrong or even particularly significant on this.

    There actually ARE the Democrats who were also too close to Putin for comfort. So what? It does not make "unmasking" of Flynn wrong in any way. Again, he was the top US military spy; heck yeah when he starts doing "legal business" with unfriendlies he should be monitored (which is all "unmasking" is, marking his conversations as his). Comparingh Hillary doing "peregruzka" button with Sergey Horse-Face Lavrov is silly. Russians make this distinction openly BTW; Kremlin demonizes Hillary maybe just a shade less than they do Soros. Interesting coincidence, if you ask me.
  15. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Obama and Biden kept a proper arms length away from DOJ business. This is the proper protocol followed by all administrations since Richard M. Nixon, at least until the Trump administration. This is something else that the Nixon administration and the Trump administration have in common. They both used the DOJ as a political weapon and a political shield. This is why over two thousand prosecutors signed the petition that said Barr should resign.

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