Duke Divinity School

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by falseteacher, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    Legit Unaccredited do have a place in education, mostly for personal development. Even some accredited institutions, such as deac, do not worth Hassle , if one is planning on doing transfer of credits, or going on to advance degrees. I take all sort of unaccredited courses for cpe, personal development, and for .employment skills .
  2. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Ah, the old repentance act. This riff reminds me of two things: First, the time Jimmy Swaggart repented of being caught with a hooker. He cried lots of crocodile tears while moaning, "I have sinned." The act worked . . . until the next time he was caught with a hooker.

    Second, there's a scene in the Steve Martin film Leap of Faith in which Jonas, the evangelist, is caught being a ripoff. Before doing the same type of routine Swaggart did, he said that people tend to love repentant sinners.

    Personally, I think that falseteacher is the spawn of Satan. "For there will be false prophets and false teachers among you," and all that jazz. (I supplied the scriptural reference for that in one of FT's earlier threads, and I'm too lazy to expend any energy on looking it up again now.) I wouldn't mind it so much if he could write an intelligent sentence, but he has gotten far too much attention (and too many hijackings) in this thread alone to warrant further doo-doo.

    Besides, I'm the only one in this thread who is saved. The rest of you are all going to burn in the lake of fire and brimstone in the proverbial handbasket. Each and every one of you. Um, so there.
  3. falseteacher

    falseteacher Member

    I was telling you the truth about my experience here, including my undergraduate, graduate and having obtained an unaccredited degree. That's it. I can say no more. Have a great day
  4. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    I think what you have to say is useful on this topic. Stick around to advice other potential students not to take the same path as you, especially if the future requires credit transfer, and pursuing advance degrees.
  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    You are not the only one who used tribalism as a term.
    Testimonium Flavianum.” Here it is:

    And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.”

    I think denominations are within the tribe.

    Now back to the discussion

    For my friends who are evangelicals, the apostolic traditions of CC and some of EOC do appear theologically unacceptable and at some point rejectable. They will not kiss statues, bow in front of statues,
    pray to Mary etc. Nor they accept some of the books that CC holds a canonical. In their belief, they think that the Protestant movement restored the original early Christian faith.
    So exposure to "other" teachings is not welcome. Also, some of the liberal divinity schools incorporate Hinduism and other "isms" into their teachings.

    Some find that for graduate studies Denver Seminary is more suitable for evangelicals with students from 50 different denominations.


    [​IMG]Denver Seminary began in the minds of several Colorado Conservative Baptist pastors.
  6. falseteacher

    falseteacher Member

    I was telling you the truth about my experience here, including my undergraduate, graduate and having obtained an unaccredited degree. That's it. I was being very serious about it all. My antics on this site was simply for fun. I have no pleasure to do that anymore. Have a great day.

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